Hi, I am writing here since I’ve been searching for something like this for over a month now, but I cannot seem to find anything that is satisfying, possibly because there isn’t something out there that fits what I’m looking for.

Basically, I am interested in decentralized recommender systems that are:

  • currently being used

  • customizable, on the client side, at run time, to a certain extent (e.g. regulate exploratory vs safe recommendations, tag based)

  • if not being used, at least “usable out of the box”, via code released on github

  • if nothing like this, at least a promising projects that are currently very active

Best case scenario would be a decentralized recommender system already applied to the fediverse. I am trying to get into this eco-system, but the lack of filters/tools of discovery for the content I’m being shown is a major hindrance for usability, at least for me. Being able to direct my own reccomender system, in order for it to be alligned with my goals and not with my addictive tendencies would be a bit of a dream, but I feel that a decentralized system would be the only way to achieve such a thing.

  • paequ2@lemmy.today
    1 month ago

    Ooooh, related: https://www.piki.nyc/

    Using Piki data, we find that while the like rate increases monotonically with artist popularity on Spotify, this does not hold true for superlike rates

    This company’s product seems to be music recommendations. We need something like this, but open source and federated.