Counterpoint: the US made bank being the enforcer of the rules based order. But being the most wealthy country in the world is apparently not enough. And to be direct, the US was the one rattling russia’s cage the past 30 years… and now it all escalated you cannot just nope out without consequences.
And in regards to money spent… the us sends weapons… meaning all the money stays in country, adding to the Pentagon budget for new kit. The EU mostly keeps Ukraine afloat financially… so they can pay their soldiers etc…
alternative counterpoint : russia has always been the agressor, europe had since the last time they folded to the reich (and needed to be rescued) to deal with the russian threat, and they decided free health care (which is great) and 5 week vacations per anum (which is also pretty fucking nifty) with big brother america looking out for them, they would make fun of all the things americans don’t have, while agreeing to generously donate 1% of their GDP to their own defense. I don’t think Europe is really sold on Ukraine being one of them, I mean they’d like access to it’s resources particularly it’s grain, but when push comes to shove, and it has, Europe will wee wee wee all the way home now that the US can’t be counted on to foot the bill. Hoping Putin stops at Ukraine’s borders. Well, here’s to hopin.
Counterpoint: the US made bank being the enforcer of the rules based order. But being the most wealthy country in the world is apparently not enough. And to be direct, the US was the one rattling russia’s cage the past 30 years… and now it all escalated you cannot just nope out without consequences.
And in regards to money spent… the us sends weapons… meaning all the money stays in country, adding to the Pentagon budget for new kit. The EU mostly keeps Ukraine afloat financially… so they can pay their soldiers etc…
alternative counterpoint : russia has always been the agressor, europe had since the last time they folded to the reich (and needed to be rescued) to deal with the russian threat, and they decided free health care (which is great) and 5 week vacations per anum (which is also pretty fucking nifty) with big brother america looking out for them, they would make fun of all the things americans don’t have, while agreeing to generously donate 1% of their GDP to their own defense. I don’t think Europe is really sold on Ukraine being one of them, I mean they’d like access to it’s resources particularly it’s grain, but when push comes to shove, and it has, Europe will wee wee wee all the way home now that the US can’t be counted on to foot the bill. Hoping Putin stops at Ukraine’s borders. Well, here’s to hopin.