As I’ve suggested for awhile, there is a worsening of the Russian KIA vs. WIA ratio, due to a lack & systemic breakdown of medical evac, the people and armored vehicles required to do it, wounded not being sent to hospitals, as they go AWOL, used instead in wave assaults, increasing drones w/ multiple strikes on target, etc.
Telenko puts the current KIA vs. WIA ratio as MUCH worse than WW1 levels, with herds of PIGS having learned, Pavlovian-style, that if they hear FPVs, that means food.
One can only hope that the war ends in Russia’s defeat to stop the senseless loss of lives for the ego of a fat, old man.
The 30-50 feral hogs have gone to war and have received military training. America is not ready for their return.
Cody needs to do another feral hog episode, doesn’t he? We already had swimming and teleporting pigs and now we are getting combat hogs. The revolution will not be televised.
Trump will certainly lift Assault Rifle bans, 'murica is saved!
Holy crap. No dystopian science fiction ever came up with that.
Jesus fuck I never would have guessed this meant actual pigs
I guess you never watched “Deadwood”?
Nor ‘snatch’
Wu 🤞 Sweargin
Jesus fucking Christ if those numbers are close to reality that’s fucking horrific. Fuck rich men and fuck their stupid petty wars. Leave Agamemnon to cry in his fucking tent on his own and go to the beach fuck.
Do you want man-eating pigs? Because that’s how you get man-eating pigs!
Pretty much any pig is a man eating pig, from my understanding. They’ve been used to dispose of bodies before.
Hence the term ‘as greedy as a pig’.