Okay, time for bed 🛌
Okay, time for bed 🛌
Brown nose, brown shirt, the one tends to follow the other doesn’t it
Which means that he’s just fine with people thinking that he’s a nazi
The most enthusiastic zeig heil since nineteen forty five
Yeah pretty sure there have been logistically challenging dumps that lasted longer tbh
Thanks to everyone who called me a lunatic for suggesting this might have been rigged through ballot stuffing
Boromir would have been crushed in a more aesthetically pleasing way 😒
Hey hey it’s only £48,000 if you buy it new. If you get one used, they’re usually a lot cheaper but they can be as much as twenty-eight pounds.
Jesus fucking Christ if those numbers are close to reality that’s fucking horrific. Fuck rich men and fuck their stupid petty wars. Leave Agamemnon to cry in his fucking tent on his own and go to the beach fuck.
Very disappointing. What happens now ?
Help me stepshark, I’m trapped in this iceberg
Kinda like, you know, an unfortunate name to be honest
What did I miss?!
Righto - just make sure the front doesn’t fall off