Hi. I’m a big YouTube guy. I spend a ton of time watching YouTube videos. But for the life of me, I can’t seem to enjoy Japanese YouTube. I do enjoy watching SOME vtubers occasionally when they play fun games. Other than that I don’t really read much unless it’s on reddit/lemmy or github. Someone pointed me to a Japanese mastodon instance but it has a pretty intense VPN block.
What do you guys watch/read in Japanese?
Importing used books from Japan is relatively cheap. I have a shelf with various novels and manga in Japanese I bought over the years.
What have you been reading lately?
Re: manga, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying rereading manga that I’ve read in English, but this time in Japanese. It makes it much less stressful when I already know the gist of what’s happening. I’m probably a much more casual learner than most folks here, though.
I’ve read some volumes of のんのんびより which I’ve quite enjoyed. Attempted 君たちはどう生きるか but that one’s a bit tough for my level.
If you have an amazon.jp account, you can also buy Japanese books for the kindle for a pretty low price. Though obviously Kindle books aren’t something you really own, so I prefer them for stuff I’m okay eventually losing.