I tried creating a single bookmark with search word But I can’t get this to work. How can I bypass security to make it work ? Do I really have to enable debug mode ? Is it possible to switch debug mode without having to restart the browser (and discard all tabs)
Here is the code I tried
javascript:(async()=>{let t="S",n="GPT Classic",u="https://chatgpt.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic/?q=%25s",k="cc",g=(await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.search({parentGuid:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,title:t}))[0]?.guid||(await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({parentGuid:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,title:t,type:PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER})).guid;await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({parentGuid:g,title:n,url:u}),await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({keyword:k,url:u}),alert(`Bookmark "${n}" added to folder "${t}" with keyword "${k}"!`)})();
Hello, I tried pasting that into the URL bar But firefox autoremoves the “javascript:” in front. When I type it manually still, it does nothing.
So I pressed F12, went to console tab and pasted it there
It fails with “Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: PlacesUtils is not defined”
Here is a human readable version of this command
I’m just trying to create a bookmark with a script, so I can create the 40 or so special bookmarks with search keywords that I want, without wiping all the bookmarks like an import would. Also I want to just automate this for my OS re-installation.
javascript:(async () => { // Define variables for bookmark details let folderTitle = "S"; // The name of the folder where the bookmark will be stored let bookmarkTitle = "GPT Classic"; // The title of the bookmark let bookmarkURL = "https://chatgpt.com/g/g-YyyyMT9XH-chatgpt-classic/?q=%25s"; // URL of the bookmark, %25s is the URL-encoded version of %s let keyword = "cc"; // The keyword to access the bookmark directly from the address bar // Find or create the folder in the Bookmarks Toolbar let folderGuid = (await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.search({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, // Look in the Bookmarks Toolbar title: folderTitle // Look for the folder with the given title }))[0]?.guid; // If the folder is found, get its GUID if (!folderGuid) { // If the folder doesn't exist, create it folderGuid = (await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, // Add it to the Bookmarks Toolbar title: folderTitle, // Use the specified folder title type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER // Specify that it's a folder })).guid; } // Add the new bookmark to the folder await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: folderGuid, // Add the bookmark inside the created folder title: bookmarkTitle, // Use the specified bookmark title url: bookmarkURL // Use the specified bookmark URL }); // Add a keyword to the bookmark for quick access await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: keyword, // The keyword that can be used in the address bar url: bookmarkURL // The URL associated with the keyword }); // Notify the user that the bookmark and keyword were added successfully alert(`Bookmark "${bookmarkTitle}" added to folder "${folderTitle}" with keyword "${keyword}"!`); })();