I think trader joe’s is more popular than aldi sud where I am in the US
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Aldi-Nord-land is so fucked.
Don’t underestimate it. Aldi Nordistan covers almost all of Prussia, so the heritage is strong. If they form a temporary alliance with the Lidl League, the Aldi Südetenland stands no chance.
The military industrial complex
Slightly inaccurate. No Aldi in Tasmania. The locals are displeased.
Aldi nord also exists in the US, they go under the name Trader Joe’s, formerly a small regional chain that they bought and used as entry to the market before expanding it across the country.
We do have Aldi’s here in the US, unless Aldi Nord is something different than this division.
Aldi nord and Aldi sud are two different companies (north and south), they split when two brothers disagreed on whether to sell cigarettes in the grocery store. The Aldi’s in the US are Aldi Sud.
You’re thinking of Aldi South, a separate company, which is orange in this map
Thanks for the clarification!
shall merge with lidl to create ALDIDDLEDIDDLE
Lil aldi