Oh yeah we will just keep waiting and watch them do significantly less than the bare minimum until the famines begin to finally affect us. Then, we will do something about it I’m sure.
Every time they run on an environmental policy, they lose. Every time they implement an environmental policy, they lose. And you’re amazed they aren’t gun ho about it? Like they just lost despite the green energy in the IRA. And Trump won with drill baby drill. Do you think Dems will run on it next time? Fuck no they won’t. They won’t touch it with 10 foot pole. They will run on “It’s the economy, stupid.” If you want environmental policy, you need to give them consistent and overwhelming victories.
Yeah so we should dismantle our political parties. They clearly don’t care about us and are willing to let us die horrible deaths. They do not serve us, they serve their donors and we put up with it for now.
Oh yeah we will just keep waiting and watch them do significantly less than the bare minimum until the famines begin to finally affect us. Then, we will do something about it I’m sure.
Every time they run on an environmental policy, they lose. Every time they implement an environmental policy, they lose. And you’re amazed they aren’t gun ho about it? Like they just lost despite the green energy in the IRA. And Trump won with drill baby drill. Do you think Dems will run on it next time? Fuck no they won’t. They won’t touch it with 10 foot pole. They will run on “It’s the economy, stupid.” If you want environmental policy, you need to give them consistent and overwhelming victories.
Yeah so we should dismantle our political parties. They clearly don’t care about us and are willing to let us die horrible deaths. They do not serve us, they serve their donors and we put up with it for now.
call me when you get inside the whitehouse grounds.
If only popular revolutions were so easy
ikr, if only saying things on the internet would manifest them into reality.
Yeah 😔
Its a good thing talking about certain subjects helps make people aware of them and garner support