Mass movement for Bernie couldn’t even make him candidate for president, because Bernie didn’t even try to fight and betrayed it to push worst ghouls in entire party instead, TWICE. So any movement imaginable better exclude this imperialist fossil saboteur from its ranks.
Bernie doesn’t have the balls to do what needs to be done. The moment we actually start doing anything, he’s one of the first to tell us to get in line and obey.
… he’s one of the first to tell us to get in line and obey.
exactly like he did for clinton in 2016 and again for biden in 2020; he even told us that biden is good for the palestinians.
Do you think Palestinians would be in a better spot today of Trump won in 2020?
What a strange way to declare your support for genocide.
Lmao sure buddy. I totally just justified genocide there.
Yeah. Completely outed yourself as someone who considers a Dem led genocide different than a GOP led genocide.
Moral people oppose them both equally.