Welcome to this week’s casual kōrero thread!
This post will be pinned in this community so you can always find it, and will stay for about a week until replaced by the next one.
It’s for talking about anything that might not justify a full post. For example:
- Something interesting that happened to you
- Something humourous that happened to you
- Something frustrating that happened to you
- A quick question
- A request for recommendations
- Pictures of your pet
- A picture of a cloud that kind of looks like an elephant
- Anything else, there are no rules (except the rule)
So how’s it going?
Yeah when looking for the article (I only knew the flavours part) I was quite surprised by how similar it sounds!
Let me know how your banana and cheese icecream turns out.
I was thinking of sandwiches but I’d be willing to try this… I’ll try to remember next time I make ice cream. “Banana and cheese ice cream” sounds weird by “Banana and parmesan ice cream” sounds fancy!
“Artisenal icecream (banana and havarti with saffron)” 😁