Hey! So I have always wanted to make the jump to linux and pc gaming and figured I would do them both together. I would not consider myself techy, just aout tech literate in that I am aware of how much I dont know.

I have linux mint, on a mid to late i5 w/16gb memory. I wanted initially to make a home server but I have jusy been poking around and ended up trying to play all the games I have in attic through emulators and the like.

So I got loads of emulators, I use Cartridge which is a Lutris fork. It just seemed cleaner and worked when I tried it out. In that I had been booting into PCSX2 and finally playing MK Deception again. After three evenings poking and gaming PCSX2 shuts down every time I try to boot a game.

I have uninstalled, reinstalled and changed from 1.7.xx to 2.2 to the nightly 2.3 (I think). I cannot get it to work.

I have so many questions but if I could get back to Konquest I would be so happy, and bother you all later.

  • 474D@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I run a lot of “alternatively sourced” games and it has better compatibility with that. Pretty similar otherwise.

    • foggenbooty@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Could you expand on that? Not the alternative sourcing, but why the compatibility is better. Is it just something to do with Fedora vs Arch, or is there something else that makes Bazzite work better?

      I source almost everything officially, but one I was trying to do was Mass Effect 2. I played 1 on the Deck and loved it, so I wanted to buy 2 and 3 only to find that they don’t sell them anymore. You have to buy this huge trilogy remaster pack with remastered graphics and huge file sizes, which defeats the purpose of a battery powered 720p device.

      I couldn’t for the life of me get it unpacked and working, even if I copied the files from a Windows computer over. I assume that I’m just not good enough at Linux to figure it out but that it is possible. Would be helpful to know of a different distro would make that easier.