Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985 December 13, 2024 – The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the lack of a “middle” option politically, an unwillingness from governments...
I’m believe your the one who has missed the point. The data provided is being misinterpreted to suggest that Canadians are in some way disgusted by their country. A closer look at the data reveals that this is not true. They just believe that the state is responsible to them, rather than the other way around. Again, the percentage of people who value their country has not changed much, so it’s not “Canada” that anyone is upset with.
I’m not sure why you feel so strongly about attaching your personal value to a national identity. You are more than the piece of dirt you were born on. You don’t need to attach your entire conceptualization of self to the happenstance of your birth.
This whole self-loathing thing seems like something you should be looking inward to fix, not something you should be looking to your government to fix for you.
Canadians are disgusted by their country, go talk to some. I’m gonna give the rest of that the respect it deserves by ignoring it.
Anyone who’s not at least a bit disgusted by their own country needs to learn more about their country’s history.
Fuck the Catholic Church and old Canadian governments creating boarding school for indigenous people! It’s impossible to be blindly proud of Canada, but it’s still an awesome country.
No. It isn’t. I don;t know why it is so hard to distinguish that the country is the government, The people are just people.
Because that’s simply not true. A country is not its government. Look at literally any revolution in the entirety of human history and that’s an obvious fact. The peoples, the cultures, the social norms that give a country the distinct feel that defines what it is survives beyond any given government.
The Canadian government works for, or at least is supposed to work for, Canada. It is not Canada in of itself. I’m so sorry that you feel so disenfranchised that you seem to believe otherwise, but we collectively decide what out country is. No elected official gets to decide it for us.
This one is. We don’t even have a culture, they made sure of that.