Due to another user’s request, I have decided to compile threads on fascism, profascism, Japanese Imperialism, & neofascism here for your convenience. This compilation is, of course, incomplete, & its structure is subject to eventual change, but I hope that it suffices.
- German towns & cities with a history of medieval pogroms were likelier to support Fascism
- The History of Fascism in Ukraine, with Prof. Barry Lituchy
- The U.S.’s many influences on German Fascism: The colonization of North America inspired the Third Reich & the Third Reich’s Chancellor was inspired by racist ‘Wild West’ stories
- How the Second Reich’s Colonialism in Africa Incubated Ideas & Methods Adopted & Developed by the Third Reich
- How European imperialism in general influenced the Third Reich’s imperialism in particular
- The Armenian Genocide inspired the Third Reich
- Really Existing Fascism
- Why Mussolini shifted from socialism to Fascism
- How World War I created Fascism
- The History of Fascism in Ukraine, Pt. I: The Origins of the OUN, 1917–1941
- Crash course on the Freikorps: social democracy’s pawns & German Fascism’s heritage
- Many of the Gestapo’s leading officials also worked for the Weimar Republic
- The Functions of Fascism, a monologue by Michael Parenti (highly recommended)
- The Corporate State in Action
- White‐collar workers in Italy from the Liberal to the Fascist era
- The Fascists promoted ‘class collaboration’ over class struggle
- The first privatisation: Selling SOEs & privatising public monopolies in Fascist Italy (1922–1925)
- The advertising industry flourished under Fascism; many Fascist advertisers learned their techniques from the U.S.
- Imperial capitalists once marketed products based on three accidental deaths
- In Fascist Italy, state interference in the private sector was minimal; a refutation of the old ‘fascism is socialism’ nonsense…from 1936
- Analysis of the Fascist colonization of Libya
- Analysis on the recruitment of Italian proletarians to Eritrea under Fascism
- The Anglo‐American ruling classes wiped out Fascist Italy’s WWI debts; in the 1920s, the American govt. effectively forgave 80.4% of Fascist Italy’s war debt
- Fascist Italy’s economy was directly influenced by Morgan Bank
- How nutrition worsened under Fascism
- How the Fascists handled unemployment
- London supported Fascism’s intrusion into Albania’s economy
- The most shockingly honest summary of Fascism that you’ll see from capitalists
- Against the Mainstream: Fascist Privatization in 1930s Germany
- The Fascist prehistory of the shoes & sportswear company Adidas
- The Third Reich was not a planned economy
- The transfer of Jewish‐owned property into “Aryan” hands was at first left to private initiative
- The Weimar Republican origins of the Reich’s “welfare” bureaucracy & its use to the Fascist bourgeoisie
- The Workers’ Opposition in the Third Reich; the folly of the Third Reich’s ‘Strength through Joy’ initiative; street politics in Hamburg & the lower‐class struggle against anticommunism, 1932–3
- How petty bourgeois white musicians benefitted from German Fascism
- Adolf Schicklgruber’s capitalism
- The Third Reich supplied Tel Aviv with building materials & funded most of the Zionist settlements in Palestine from 1933 to 1941, which included some prefabricated buildings
- Zionists became distribution agents for Fascist products all over the Middle East & North Africa; Zionism rendered the Jewish boycott on German goods useless
- British bankers extended credits to the Third Reich
- Consumer research in the Third Reich was based on that in the U.S.
- Tobacco policies (or the want thereof) in the Third Reich
- Fascist Beanie Babies
- Recruitment & coercion in Imperial Japan: evidence from colonial Karafuto’s forestry & construction industries
- The secret behind Fascist Italy’s food self‐sufficiency (and no, just because a country is food self‐sufficient doesn’t mean that everybody is eating well)
- The Fascists were forced to rely on Ethiopian labor to feed white colonists
- Fascist‐occupied E. Africa received 26.9% of its oil from the U.S. in 1935
- An analysis of the Fascist takeover & segregation of an Ethiopian marketplace
- Analysis of the white proletariat in E. Africa under its Fascist occupation
- Britain exported considerable quantities of scrap metal to the Third Reich
- U.S. capitalists supplied Japanese Imperialists
- The Third Reich was the source of 60% of all investment in Zionist‐occupied Palestine from 1933–1939
- Southeastern European capitalists willingly supported antisemitism & Southeastern European capitalists benefited the Third Reich’s rearmament tremendously
- The Third Reich made it easy for landlords to evict Jewish tenants
- How Allied capitalists supplied Fascist Germany throughout WWII; corporate America’s support for the Third Reich was so crucial that the U.S. might as well have been an Axis power; these American corporations aided the Third Reich
- Liberal capitalists greatly rearmed prefascist Romania, which traded heavily with Fascist states
- Native banks in Zhejiang prospered under Axis occupation
- Norwegian capitalists asked Fascists to forge letters saying that they were ‘forced’ to collaborate
- How Danish capitalists willingly collaborated with the Third Reich; more than one thousand Danish capitalists happily assisted the Third Reich
- The Third Reich interfered minimally in France’s private sector
- Netherlandish capitalists willingly collaborated with the Third Reich
- Swiss capitalism was critical to the Third Reich
- Antisemitism made Bulgarian capitalists richer
- Portugal & the Third Reich’s Gold
- Finland was the Third Reich’s only ally that was allowed to buy German goods on credit
- The Cloaking of Fascist Assets Abroad, 1936–1945
- Gold, Debt & the Quest for Monetary Order: The Fascist Campaign to Integrate Europe in 1940
- Finnish–Fascist Relations & the Diplomacy of the Petsamo Question, March–December 1940
- Fascist officials & SS commanders amassed personal fortunes
- The Empire of Japan employed millions of child laborers
- How the Axis (partially) caused famines in Vietnam & Java
- Why fellow capitalists bailed out Axis businessman Alfried Krupp
- The labour movement & business élites under fascist dictator Francisco Franco, 1939–1951
- Why Fascism (mostly) opposed Freemasonry
- How Fascism Ruled Women; the Fascists mobilized women for their colonization of Ethiopia; Women & Alcohol Consumption in Fascist Italy
- Corporal punishment & psychological violence were common in Fascist Italy’s rural schools
- How the Fascists altered the ancient landscape of Rome to fit their agenda
- How Fascist Italy suppressed abortion
- Fascist propaganda in pre‐1933 Germany
- The history of the fascist motto ‘Slava Ukraini’
- Hermann Göring predicted that ‘nobody in Germany will know what Marxism is’ by 1983
- Policing under German Fascism
- ‘Race, military training, leadership, religion! These are the four unshakable foundations of [German Fascism’s] education!’
- Christmas under the Third Reich
- Fascists normalized imperialism for children with games, playthings, & even dishware
- There were competing factions in the Third Reich’s govt.
- Police propaganda (copaganda) in Europe’s Fascist empires
- Redefining the Individual in Berlin, 1930–1945
- Archaeology confirms that…the Fascists avoided African cuisine like the fucking plague
- The Third Reich strongly discouraged marriages & sexual relations with Italians (even during Axis membership)
- The Fascists built a zoo right next to one of their concentration camps
- The Fascists intentionally built a merry‐go‐round next to the Warsaw Ghetto
- A collection of bizarre or unsettling posters from Fascist Italy; ‘Russian folk, Stalin orders you to die in order to save the Jew!’ (Serbia, 1942); a typical example of OUN‐B propaganda, dated 1941
- Those Who Said “No!”: Germans Who Refused to Execute Civilians during World War II
- Some Fascists contemplated keeping the earth’s last remaining Jews in a zoo
- The Fascists were the only force in history to deploy a sonic weapon in the field of battle
- Scandinavia & the U.S. sterilized more people than Fascist Italy
- Suicide figures of German Fascists in 1945
- The Last of the Wehrmacht to Surrender in WWII; Europe’s last Axis troops surrendered in September 4, 1945
Foreign policy
- Fascist Italy’s annexation of Fiume
- Greece & Fascist Italy signed a Treaty of Friendship, Conciliation, & Judicial Settlement
- Fascist Italy funded efforts to achieve cultural hegemony in Eastern Europe
- Fascist Italy & the Kingdom of Romania signed a ‘Pact of Friendship & Cordial Collaboration’
- The Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Fascist Italy & Albania
- The Penetration of Italian Fascism in Nationalist China
- The Fascists skillfully manipulated many Italian‐Americans into promoting Fascism
- Britain’s, France’s, & the Fascists’ Four‐Power Pact
- Introducing the Anti‐Komintern: Fascism’s own little ‘NGO’
- Poland & the Third Reich signed a nonaggression pact
- Polish–German film relations in the process of building Fascist cultural hegemony in Europe
- Poland’s ruling class let Fascists spread propaganda in its country
- Fascist Italy hired an American to train dozens of its cadets
- The Fascists spied on Italians living thousands of miles away from Italy
- Latinism & Hispanism in the Hispano‐American Right in Interwar Spain & Argentina
- Italian Fascist propaganda in Finland (1933–9)
- The Mussolini–Jabotinsky Connection: The Hidden Roots of Israel’s Fascist Past; Zionist support for Italian Fascism; the Fascists created Zionism’s first naval academy
- Zionist collaboration with the Third Reich: The ‘Jewish Agency for Israel’ maintained friendly relations with the Third Reich’s head of state as early as 1933, Zionists saw the victory of Fascism in Germany as a ‘fertile force’ for Zionism, the Third Reich generally supported Zionism, the Third Reich produced Zionist films, it trained (Zionist) Jews in agriculture to help settle them in Palestine, & ‘The ardent Zionists […] have objected least of all to the basic ideas of the Nuremberg Laws’
- How the Third Reich supported China’s anticommunists
- The Anglo‐German Naval Pact of 1935
- How Racist Policies in Fascist Italy Inspired & Informed the Third Reich
- The Fascists drew upon British Kenya & South Africa to implement racial policies in Ethiopia
- A sample of Italian Fascist colonialism: nursing & medical records in the Imperial War in Ethiopia
- Maltese support for Fascism & Rome’s support for Maltese fascism
- Romanian students & researchers in the Third Reich became tools of Fascist propaganda
- The Fascists partially created one of South Africa’s worst organizations
- Some Zionists compared their ideology favorably to German Fascism
- Transnationalizing fascist martyrs: an entangled history
- The Spectacle of Global Fascism: The Italian Blackshirt mission to Japan’s Asian empire
- Paris & Fascist Italy’s Franco‐Italian Declaration (“an outright military alliance”)
- Fascist Italy helped train Ukrainian & Croatian ultranationalists
- The Indians (of South Asia) who fought for the Axis
- A brief guide to the Blueshirts: Ireland’s Fascists
- Conceptions & Practices of International Fascism in Norway, Sweden & the Netherlands, 1930–40
- Fascism’s alleged ‘War on Slavery’ during the 1930s; the various native reactions to Fascism’s invasion of Ethiopia, from resistance to collaboration
- The Anti‐Comintern Pact
- The Rome–Berlin Axis
- Russian anticommunist collaboration with Spanish fascists (1936–1944)
- The Dalai Lama & the Fascists
- The Third Reich was a useful ally to the Spanish fascists
- Fascist Plans for Mass Jewish Settling in Ethiopia (1936–1943)
- Imperial Japan helped Finland decrypt Soviet military codes in its war on the Soviets
- Collaboration between Polish anticommunists & Japanese Imperialists in the 1930s & 1940s
- A guide to the ‘Honorary Aryans’
- Britain, France, & Fascist Italy gave part of Czechoslovakia to the Third Reich
- Paris & the Third Reich signed a Franco‐German Declaration
- Estonia & Latvia ratified nonaggression pacts with the Third Reich
- Why Berlin signed a nonaggression treaty with Moscow
- Why Thailand aligned with the Axis
- Ukrainian fascists in Poland fled towards the Third Reich for safety from the Soviets
- The Tripartite Pact
- France’s New Caledonia: The missing link between the Third Reich & the Empire of Japan
- The Axis’s national policy towards the Russian minority in the Baltic States
- The Empire of Japan’s counterinsurgency before 1945 & its persistent legacies in Asia
- How Fascist Italy recruited Greeks to shill for the Axis
- The Netherlands had one of the highest numbers of Waffen SS volunteers in Western Europe
- Fascist Italy was a valuable ally to the Third Reich
- Denmark’s volunteers in the Waffen SS
- The Slovak Republic’s Axis membership
- The Kingdom of Hungary’s Axis membership
- The Kingdom of Romania’s Axis membership
- Percentage of ‘non‐Germanic’ troops who helped start Operation Barbarossa
- Liechtenstein was complicit in Axis war crimes
- The Estonian Security Police’s collaboration with the Axis
- Why the Empire of Japan went to war against Imperial America
- Foreigners who joined the Wehrmacht & Waffen‐SS by January 1942
- The Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism: France’s truly pathetic Wehrmacht formation
- Turkey’s ‘Treaty of Friendship’ with the Third Reich
- Fascists forced thousands to build a railway in Finland, barely used it, & then destroyed it
- Handbook on Axis imperialism
- ‘Neutral’ European states that assisted the Third Reich
- Why the Fascist bourgeoisie committed the Holocaust (highly recommended)
- Masterpost on Italian Fascism’s atrocities (highly recommended)
- The brava gente myth: Fascist Italy’s equivalent to the ‘clean Wehrmacht’ lie
- The Fascists repeatedly assaulted Libyan Jews in the 1920s & later
- The Fascists’ suppression of Libya prepared them for their invasion of Ethiopia
- Continuities & Discontinuities: Antiziganism in Germany & Italy (1900–1938); Roma & Sinti in Fascist Italy: from expelled foreigners to dangerous Italians
- The Imperial invasion of Manchuria; Bodies in the Service of the Japanese Empire: Colonial Medicine in Manchuria
- The Fascist suppression of the Free Union of German Workers
- The Third Reich legalized the sterilization of disabled people
- The Fascists sometimes explicitly encouraged Jews to attempt suicide
- The Third Reich’s racism against the Japanese
- The first Nuremberg Laws
- Transgender People, the Third Reich, & the Holocaust; the life & death of a transgender woman in the Third Reich; the Fascists oppressed lesbians; German Fascism’s early assault on LGBT rights
- The Third Reich intentionally neglected thousands of tuberculosis patients
- The fate of black Germans under Fascism; brief summary of the Third Reich’s persecution of black humans; as early as 1933, the Third Reich killed a biracial communist for his antifascism
- The unique difficulties that legally ‘Jewish’ Germans suffered under Fascism
- The Fascists’ massacre of Addis Ababa
- Kristallnacht
- Comparisons between the “State of Israel” & Fascist Italy; comparisons between the “State of Israel” & the Third Reich
- Rome ordered all ‘foreign’ Jews to leave Italy within six months
- The Third Reich’s most infamous serial killer
- The Empire of Japan killed millions of people; it invaded Nanking, tormenting & massacring hundreds of thousands; Japanese Imperialists promoted a racism based on Japanese supremacy; Japanese Imperialism (indirectly) oppressed gay folks
- The Reich–Slovakian joint invasion of Poland
- The Polish government’s antisemitism was a major factor leading to the Shoah; Poland’s police force had a key rôle in the Fascist oppression of Jews
- The Third Reich kidnapped & attempted to forcibly assimilate thousands of Polish children
- The Fascist destruction of Poland’s infrastructure
- A brief overview of Italian Fascist atrocities in Greece; Axis occupation resulted in an increase in infectious diseases among Greeks
- The Fascists first tested Zyklon‐B on Soviet POWs
- The Warsaw ghetto
- France’s ruling class willingly committed its own fascist atrocities without outside pressure
- Alsace, France became a testing ground for the Third Reich’s anti‐Roma policies
- Romanian fascists literally butchered hundreds of Jews in a parody of Judaism’s kosher butchering
- Oskar Dirlewanger: the Fascist whom even other Fascists thought was cruel & depraved
- The misogynist revenge that the fascists inflicted on women in Southwestern Spain; the Spanish fascists encouraged Moroccan men to abuse women
- The Western Axis’s invasion of the Soviet Union
- The Wannsee Conference: how the Fascist bourgeoisie worked on a new policy for exterminating Jews
- How Ukrainian fascists pioneered brutal terror techniques (later improved by the CIA)
- The Religious Dimension of the First Antisemitic Violence in Eastern Galicia (June–July 1941)
- This is how the Axis & its collaborators treated Soviet civilians
- The Third Reich attempted to erase concentration camp prisoners’ identities
- Finland deported more than 2.8k POWs (including many Jews) to the Third Reich
- The Finnish bourgeoisie interned 24,000 ethnic Russians in concentration camps, 4,200 of whom died
- What the Kapos did in Axis concentration camps
- How the Third Reich treated Soviet POWs vs. Western ones
- The Wehrmacht & the anticommunist persecution of the Roma; the Third Reich ordered all Roma to be deported to Auschwitz; Auschwitz survivor Mano Höllenreiner recalls Axis death camp for Roma
- Therapeutic Fascism: ‘re‐educating’ Communists in Axis‐occupied Serbia, 1942–44
- The Wehrmacht massacred thousands of civilians in Axis‐occupied Serbia
- Jacob Gens: the Third Reich’s deadliest Zionist collaborator
- A ‘Wannsee Conference’ on the Roma’s extermination? New research findings regarding 15 January 1943 & the Auschwitz Decree
- The Axis massacred thousands of Jews & Roma (many of whom were Muslim) in Simferopol
- The Axis exterminated thousands of Kharkiv’s Soviets
- The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, & the Axis’s Massacres in Ukraine
- A brief history of fascism & terrorism within Zionism
- Axis auxiliaries laughed after a Gestapo commander falsely pardoned a girl, then shot her
- The Third Reich ran tanks over Senegalese soldiers
- The Holocaust in North Africa
- The Axis massacred thousands of Jews in its liquidation of the Słonim Ghetto
- History of Fascism in Ukraine, Pt. II: The OUN during 1941–1945; Stepan Bandera; Ukrainian fascists supported antisemitism (while simultaneously claiming to oppose it…apparently)
- Finnish volunteers in SS units took part in Axis atrocities, Finland confirms…in 2019
- The Axis’s capture of Banská Bystrica & its defeat of the concurrent Slovak National Uprising
- The Third Reich deliberately bombed hospitals; the Axis intentionally sunk a Soviet hospital ship, massacring over 5,000 people
- The Third Reich publicly massacred antifascist juvenile delinquents in 1944
- A Zionist collaborated with the Axis to sacrifice 800,000 ordinary Jews in return for 600 prominent Zionists
- The Third Reich had its own kamikaze pilots
- ‘Murder of the Jews’: The testimony of Germans & Austrians who were part of Fascism’s murder machine
- Of the 5–6 million Jews that the Axis massacred, more than 160,000 were Sephardim
- Grandmother relating her experience as a Holocaust survivor
- Mussolini’s Sources of Financial Support, 1914–1915; British capitalists in the 1910s paid Mussolini to assault antiwar protesters
- ‘Where Lenin’s system has won for itself international ostracism & armed intervention, that of Mussolini has been the subject of widespread enthusiasm’
- The Economist on Fascist Italy in 1922: ‘So far, so good.’
- ‘I can understand why a businessman would admire Mussolini & his methods. They are essentially those of successful business.’
- Britain’s capitalist press repeatedly praised Fascism
- The KKK freely compared itself to European fascism
- The Polish anticommunists of the short 20th century were very impressed with Fascism
- From Churchill to NATO: How the West built & empowered Italian Fascism
- How the New York Times reacted to the rise of Fascism; the New York Times repeatedly suggested giving the German Fascists a chance
- A conservative chancellor referred to violence against Fascists as an excuse to harm communists; the Weimar Republic rarely prosecuted fascists, but suppressed socialists regularly
- Most German adults voted in approval of Fascism
- The riot at Christie Pits: Canada’s worst (and little‐known) antisemitic incident
- How the U.S. Associated Press cooperated with the German Fascists
- The little country that voted overwhelmingly to join the Third Reich
- How The Economist reacted to the Fascists violating the Treaty of Versailles by taking the Rhineland
- U.S. Responses to the Policies & Practices of the Third Reich’s Eugenics
- Winston Churchill
- Queen Elizabeth’s Fascist Salute is a Reminder how Close Britain Sailed to the Fascist Wind; how Queen Victoria’s Grandson Became Hitler’s Pawn & Favourite Royal
- U.S. capitalist Prescott Bush supported the Third Reich
- The gay men who sided with their Fascist oppressors
- The Jews who fought for their Fascist oppressors
- How the Pentagon Helped Hollywood Launder the Third Reich’s Reputation
- Chase National Bank supported the Third Reich
- The Third Reich’s Labour Services’ influence on Swedish & U.S. politicians
- The bourgeoisie let Fascists build summer camps across the U.S. during the 1930s
- About 20,000 fascists held a rally at the Madison Square Garden in 1939
- Many powerful Icelanders sympathized with the Third Reich
- The representation of Jews in the Finnish press before 1939
- How the Vatican collaborated with the Fascists throughout the 1930s
- When the Fascists massacred thousands in Addis Ababa, the U.S. & British govts. ignored it to avoid offending them
- Chinese landlords frequently collaborated with the Imperialists
- London Deliberately Ignored Axis Factories so that the Wehrmacht could Attack the USSR; London intentionally played down atrocities in an Axis concentration camp on its soil
- Zionist militia’s efforts to recruit Fascists against Britain revealed by Zionist archives
- New York’s capitalists let Fascist Italy host a pavilion in their city in 1939
- IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad’s ties to fascism
- The U.S. held more Fascist prisoners of war than it held Jewish refugees; Fascist POWs in Alabama had more food than they could eat, permission to attend university courses, befriend locals & leave the camp to work
- ‘Captive Nations’: The Forgotten Origins of the ‘Victims of Communism’
- How Australia’s Fascists got away with supporting the Third Reich
- Italian anticommunists pardoned Fascists while punishing thousands of partisans
- U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy defended Fascist war criminals
- The Western Allies became unconcerned with neofascist shrines as they now focused their aggression on the Soviets
- Operation Paperclip in New Jersey
- The CIA used ‘moderate’ anticommunists to distract people from the Axis collaborators
- A fascist sympathizer suggested a monument to the ‘victims of Communism’ as early as 1970
- LaRouche’s ‘Ukrainian Nazi’ Legacy
- The University of Alberta’s $1.4 million‐dollar Fascist problem
- Anticommunists equating us with German Fascists martyrize Axis collaborators
- Zelensky & U.S. Congress salute profascist “Representatives of Diaspora”
- Neofascists in Ukrainian military bragged about Canadian training, report says
- The New York Times on Ukraine’s neofascist imagery: It’s ‘complicated’; NYT has found more neofascist troops to lionize in Ukraine; Hawkish Pundits Downplay Threat of War, Ukraine’s Neofascist Ties; Western Media Fall in Lockstep for Neofascist Publicity Stunt in Ukraine; Facebook Protects Neofascists to Protect Ukraine Proxy War
- ‘NAFO’ exposed
- The Fascist roots of Columbus Day
- The U.S. Army continued keeping Jews in the Axis’s concentration camps
- British officials recycled Fascists for their control of Eritrea in the 1940s
- How fascists who beat Jews to death became America’s favorite “Freedom Fighters” in 1945; the U.S. did not defeat Fascism in WWII, it discretely internationalized it
- There was no equivalent to the Nuremberg Trials for Italian Fascists; the liberal bourgeoisie refused to prosecute Fascists for their atrocities in Ethiopia
- The Wehrmacht bred with hundreds of Finns
- The Shadow of Fascism over the Italian Republic
- Important elements of the Fascist era survived in postwar France
- The Third Reich influenced eugenics in Iberia’s anticommunist dictatorships
- The Western Allies reused the Empire of Japan’s system of forced prostitution
- How Austria’s Fascists got away with supporting the Third Reich
- W. Germany’s govt. was riddled with ‘former’ Fascists & its capitalist press was outraged to see Axis criminals treated as anything less than saints
- Latvia’s anticommunist resistance consisted of many Axis collaborators (whom NATO honored)
- Axis servicemen provided the CIA with its most critical information on the Soviet Union
- Canada knowingly admitted thousands of SS members
- Continuities between Fascism & the post‐1945 Italian police
- The Kingdom of Sweden welcomed Baltic war criminals who served the Axis
- U.S. authorities gave Axis war criminals comfortable jobs in post‐1945 Japan
- A Zionist authority helped a horrifying Axis war criminal escape justice
- How a Romanian fascist responsible for killing hundreds of Jews found a safe haven in the U.S.
- In 1948, at least 53% of South Korea’s police officers worked for the Axis
- Historian discussing how the U.S. intentionally recruited ‘former’ Fascists & Axis collaborators; interview with the author of Old Nazis, New Right, & the Republican Party; how a Slovakian fascist war criminal became a CIA asset
- Ratlines, NATO, & the Fourth Reich; NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War on the Third World; NATO’s Fascist Beginnings
- MI6 hired Fascists
- Mossad intentionally hired Axis war criminal Walter Rauff
- The European Union’s Court of Justice’s first President was a Fascist
- Benito Mussolini has his own tomb (and it’s in good condition)
- Spain’s largest monument to fascism (still exists)
- Denmark failed to thoroughly purge its upper classes of Axis collaborators
- W. Germany’s Federal Court ruled that a 1940 deportation of Roma was not a racist atrocity
- When John F. Kennedy was asked when he would uproot Fascism from W. Germany, he said nothing
- Did Zionists cover up thousands of Axis war criminals in exchange for military technology?
- A former SS official became an advisor to Augusto Pinochet’s secret police
- Henry Kissinger’s ties to Fascism
- The interview that led to the arrest of Klaus Barbie, the Axis’s Butcher of Lyon
- W. Germany purged thousands of irreplaceable documents on Fascism & other subjects after 1990
- The Captive Nations Lobby: the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s fascist heritage; Victims of Communism’s founder Lev Dobriansky’s associations with Axis collaborators
- The Latvian SS‐Legion & issues regarding its modern glorification; Latvia invests in Axis commander biopic
- Yugoslav survivors of Fascist war camp lament Italy’s apathy
- The prolonged effects of trauma on Holocaust survivors
- An Analysis of Present‐Day Historical Narratives of Italy’s Colonial Wars
- In 2010, a Zionist judge proposed learning Fascist propaganda techniques & that same year, a few Zionists repeated ‘Hitler was right’ in public & the neocolonial police did nothing
- Finland’s cemeteries dedicated to Axis soldiers
- Some 1,500 statues & streets around the world honor Fascists — including in Germany & the U.S.; examples of monuments in Eastern Europe dedicated to Axis collaborators; Germany still exhibits Fascist sculptures; Italy still exhibits Fascist monuments; Japan still exhibits monuments dedicated to Axis war criminals; Axis collaborator monuments in Ukraine
- Mass graves left by the fascists discovered in Extremadura
- Archaeologists are exhuming the bodies from Spain’s fascist concentration camps
- Analysis of skeletal remains from the Battle of Britain: A temporary cemetery of Fascist aviators
- A New Anti‐Bolshevik Bloc of Nations?
- Ottawa apologizes for honouring another Axis collaborator
- Survivors of the Axis’s siege of Leningrad continue to suffer worse health even after seven decades
- Auschwitz museum justifies the extermination of Palestinians
- The Third Reich’s antisemitic indoctrination still survives in some elderly Germans
- The Axis’s barbed wire continues to harm Norway’s wildlife
- Even from beyond the grave, Fascists are still massacring people & inhibiting scientific research
- Fascist‐era parenting is still harming German youths today, & the Fascists themselves had abusive parents
- Operation Gladio; the CIA’s Secret Fascist‐Collaborating Terror Armies in Europe & Beyond
- How NATO worked with neofascists to crush communism in Turkey
- Swedish neofascist solidarity with the Chilean military junta
- The Zionists did nothing to help as Argentine neofascists terrorized thousands of Jews
- Refresher course on neofascist antisemitism
- Anders Breivik
- The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine: Revelations from Trials & Investigation
- A neofascist opened fire on a synagogue & massacred 11 people
- The road to neofascism: How the war in Ukraine has changed Europe; what you should really know about Ukraine; the roots of fascism in Ukraine: From Axis collaboration to Maidan; successive govts. in Ukraine have accommodated neofascists to counter Soviet nostalgia; examples of Ukraine’s head of state awarding vile antisemites; how Zelensky made peace with neofascist paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia; how neofascists made their home in Ukraine’s major western training hub
- Ukraine Neofascists Infiltrate Every Level of Military & Government; a look at the Svoboda party: Ukraine’s second largest bundle of neofascist fuckwads; the Bandera cult, memory warriors, & ‘patriotic education’ in Ukraine; Bandera’s ‘Insurgency‐in‐Waiting’: OUN‐B & the ‘Capitulation Resistance Movement’; the Ukrainian Fascist Advisor from Azerbaijan
- Blackwater is in the Donbas with the Azov Battalion
- Famous Ukrainian Neofascist Visits U.S.
- Why is there now such an affinity between antivaxxers & neofascism?
- How USAID contributed to neofascism in Ukraine
- The neofascist ‘American Banderite Network’; defense contractors trying to ‘reactivate’ OUN‐B in Pittsburgh area
- ‘Nazigate’ & the ‘Bandera Lobby’; Ukrainian ultranationalism & Canada
- Meet Oleh Medunytsia, OUN‐B’s first Leader from Ukraine in over 20 years
- Neofascism strengthening in Germany (and elsewhere); neofascism is becoming more popular & powerful in Europe; international neofascists show solidarity with Ukrainian neofascists; the Rise of Neofascism in Italy
- “Now, All of You Are Azov”: Ukrainian Neofascists Tour U.S.; Azov is getting public funding from NAFO & other suckers & has been improving its relations with “human rights” think tanks
- The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s links to Hungarian neofascism
- What German neofascists have inherited from Fascism
- Nordic Resistance Movement: neofascists who hope to erect a pan‐Scandinavian ethnostate
- Adam Smith to Richard Spencer: Why ‘Libertarians’ (read: propertarians) turn to the Alt‐Right
- What is the Lukov March & why did the authorities ban it in Bulgaria?
- Neofascist Andy Ngô photographed with child molester Amos Yee
- Neofascists partook in anti‐transgender rally in Melbourne, Australia
- Zionist support for Azov
- Zionist neocolony contemplated forging ties with neofascist party accused of Holocaust denial
- Beware of neofascist grifters pretending to care about Palestine
- Spanish neofascist mercenary among others helping neocolonists in Gaza
- A reminder that neofascism is alive & well in the U.S.: Former(?) Neofascist Leader Holds U.S. Dept. of Justice’s ‘Domestic Counterterrorism’ Position; Neofascists Parade around Florida Chanting ‘Jews Will Not Replace Us’; U.S. congressman ‘unaware’ that he was posing for photo with neofascists; Texan Republican leaders reject ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers; neofascist march at the Tennessee State Capitol
Feel free to suggest any resources that you have in mind or how I could structure this thread better. Lastly, if you have any questions on fascism, profascism, parafascism (e.g. Japanese Imperialism), protofascism, or neofascism, you are welcome to ask me here or in private.
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