State owned enterprises are run like corporations but pay dividends to the government as shareholder. Eg, Kiwibank, NZ Post, Kiwirail, what’s left of the power companies etc.
Seymour is saying the government is useless at owning things.
I’m saying the government owning state owned enterprises provides an additional revenue stream for the government coffers that doesn’t rely on taxes.
The fact that SOEs are run like any other corporation, just with the government as the shareholder, means they’re just as effective as any other corporate entity.
What makes you think the state is going to get revenue from privatised health care or roads or whatever?
State owned enterprises are run like corporations but pay dividends to the government as shareholder. Eg, Kiwibank, NZ Post, Kiwirail, what’s left of the power companies etc.
I don’t understand the relevance in this conversation.
Seymour is saying the government is useless at owning things.
I’m saying the government owning state owned enterprises provides an additional revenue stream for the government coffers that doesn’t rely on taxes.
The fact that SOEs are run like any other corporation, just with the government as the shareholder, means they’re just as effective as any other corporate entity.
So Seymour is wrong.