China has changed under Xi Jinping, with implications for the entire world. But few outsiders understand much about Xi’s ideas or the policies that seem to flow from them.
The goodwill, however, hasn’t lasted. Trump loyalists are running a campaign to oust Rudd from his current role as Australian ambassador to the United States, for comments branding Trump “a village idiot.”
Imma be real, this is just well deserved. Being “diplomatic” is literally the term for not insulting people. What the fuck was this guy thinking?
Rudd asserts that there are three integrated components to what he labels Xi’s “Marxist nationalism.”
I love how everything that comes after is mostly just an ideological leaning towards bog standard left-ish economics or national security strengthening. Barely even Marxism.
And Rudd places the blame for this protectionist wave firmly on Xi’s China, which, due to its size and integration into the world market, threw a wrench into the established global economy.
Ain’t Xi’s fault you guys de-industrialized and started importing everything from China.
In this context, Rudd asks his US readership, what rational country would turn on its largest trading partner — China — while swearing loyalty to America for no economic gain?
Fortunately, Europeans aren’t rational. So you do have some lapdogs for now.
Does China’s expansion into global markets have its roots in “the eclectic ethical universe of Xi’s modernized and Sinified Marxism,” as Rudd claims, “whose values, concepts, and language will increasingly be drawn from a cocktail of Communist, Confucian, and even international sources”?
What in the ever loving fuck does this paragraph mean? What do global markets have to do with confusianism?
the country’s long economic crisis
We have gone beyond delusion into the realm of comedy
Imma be real, this is just well deserved. Being “diplomatic” is literally the term for not insulting people. What the fuck was this guy thinking?
I love how everything that comes after is mostly just an ideological leaning towards bog standard left-ish economics or national security strengthening. Barely even Marxism.
Ain’t Xi’s fault you guys de-industrialized and started importing everything from China.
Fortunately, Europeans aren’t rational. So you do have some lapdogs for now.
What in the ever loving fuck does this paragraph mean? What do global markets have to do with confusianism?
We have gone beyond delusion into the realm of comedy