And if so, does anyone know where could I get one?
My cat will attack anything that moves, including my laptop cord, and has already ruined one by chewing on it. I’ve seen plastic ones for sale, but I’m fairly certain he would just chew right through them. 😼
Yeah, there are a few options for cable covers but none that I think would be great here. Expando loom will stop cable abrasions, but probably not cat teeth. There’s split loom, but that is quite rigid and I think cats could bite through it still with enough will power. There are metal cable sleeves, but these usually aren’t for physical protection and are braided in the same way that makes expando loom a not great solution. I would try what someone else mentioned first and try coating the cable in a bitterant.
if those cords have electricity going through them and there are A LOT of cords (ie datacenter amount of cords); then you want plastic or, atleast non-ferrous metals that can’t become magnetized.
amazon & new egg sell plastic ones and i’ve never seen metal ones before.
How would you magnetize something with alternating current?
the greybeards who took me under their wings when i was a jr IT tech decades told me funny stories about ethernet cables not working because of power/radio-signal interference and i stick to old tribal knowledge that they passed down to me.
I don’t know about a metal cord protector but here’s a different solution just in case it doesn’t exist. when my cat wouldn’t stop chewing on cables, I got bitter apple spray, collected all the cables in my house, put them all in my bathtub and sprayed them all very liberally with this bitter apple spray, let them dry then plugged everything back in. Now the only time I have a cable get chewed through is when I just got something and I forget to spray it cuz I guess she still tests them just to be sure they taste awful. And believe me, it tastes awful. I highly recommend wearing disposable gloves while handling the stuff, especially while it’s wet and then washing the bathtub and your hands thoroughly once the cables are dry and back where they go. Blegh!