He recently knocked up a right wing influencer. She just posted a statement saying something about “negotiating acknowledgement of the child” secretly with Elon but the tabloids are about to expose them. Maybe it’s an elaborate ruse to seem like a young virile stud just impregnating women left and right but I think the IVF is to select only boys
I think it’s likely he does genetic screening or even gene editing for his offspring. This would align with his other futuristic and transhumanist ideas.
It’s kinda weird most of his kids are conceived via IVF.
Sounds like his dick doesn’t work lol
He recently knocked up a right wing influencer. She just posted a statement saying something about “negotiating acknowledgement of the child” secretly with Elon but the tabloids are about to expose them. Maybe it’s an elaborate ruse to seem like a young virile stud just impregnating women left and right but I think the IVF is to select only boys
God how funny would that be. The child was never real and it’s as fake as his “gaming career”
He saw The King and I and was like ‘‘why don’t I have 100s of kids?’’
I think it’s likely he does genetic screening or even gene editing for his offspring. This would align with his other futuristic and transhumanist ideas.
Also women don’t want to have sex with him.
If he’s editing their genes why do they all still have his ugly mug?
It nobody actually wants him to stick his dick inside them?