Big changes are coming. To summarize the main points:

  • The city is switching to standardized bins for garbage and compost that can be lifted and dumped onto trucks mechanically.
  • This will be phased in over the next several years starting in the suburbs.
  • 120L bins will be standard issue: one for garbage and one for compost.
  • You can upgrade to a 240L bin if you need one, but it costs $120 initially + $196/year. The initial fee will be waived if you switch to the bigger bin within the first 3 months, however.
  • The city is outsourcing blue and grey box collection to a company called Emterra Environmental. Whether they choose to go with bins also is uncertain, but that wouldn’t change before 2026.
  • You can still bring stuff to the residential drop-off at KARC for the time being.
    13 days ago

    No doubt these bins are going to be cheap plastic that chip every other winter. But I shouldn’t be so negative before learning all the facts… I’m just going to miss my authentic aluminium Oscar the Grouch style garbage can. 🥲 I’m like so proud of it.