Because it’s the only way his dumb voter base can see he’s “working”.
I am not a velociraptor
Because it’s the only way his dumb voter base can see he’s “working”.
I don’t. But that’s a personal choice.
However I think one of the main reasons why some are that attracted to it is because of the “forbidden” nature of the act.
A me sembra assurdo. L’unica situazione che mi viene in mente è che la tua prenotazione di tot giorni possa fare che la stanza rimanga occupata per dei giorni che, se tu non la fossi presa, avrebbero usati altre persone che magari restavano più tempo di te.
Per esempio: tu prenoti per stare dal 10 al 15, ma il 12 vai via. Se una persona voleva stare lì dal 12 al 20, non ha scelto quel albergo “per colpa tua” perche la stanza era occupata fino al 15.
A me sembra comunque una follia e un albergo da evitare.
Io vado in bici a lavoro tutti i giorni e la quantità di volte che ho rischiato un incidente mi ha fatto considerare seriamente comprare una camera tipo gopro da mettere sul casco.
Mi risulta incredibile la quantità di gente che se ne sbatte completamente del codice stradale.
E questo perche sì, manca l’educazione, ma anche i controlli. Non è possibile che in città, un bastardo passi accanto a una pattuglia di polizia, carabinieri o anche vigili urbani con il telefono in mano e non lo fermino.
In Italia, la gente considera il codice stradale un mero suggerimento.
This might be a thing we’ll see soon enough if Ketamine Karen keeps going the way he’s going. At some point, his products are going to be considered a threat to security
They need to discuss if a nazi party should be banned.
And that’s why these bastards always win. While the democratic parties try to fight these assholes “legally”, they can just say fuck the law since there won’t be consequences as the traditional parties try to do things the right way.
Oh well, looks like it’ll be another gaming gen in which I will buy zero AAA games.
Everyone should be free to do as they please with their life and their body, so if you feel like doing it, it’s your life, don’t let anyone else decide for you.
With that said, before doing it, please consider the long term situation here:
First of all, whatever goes on the internet stays there forever. This means you need to accept that in 20 years your content will still be available. You might have changed careers, but people will be able to find your work till then. If you are ok with this, go ahead.
Linked to this, depending on where you live, people will react differently to this. Some won’t care, but some others will, and if you want to look for a job at a later stage of your life, you need to be prepared to be challenged about your past.
People in onlyfans can make a lot of money. But that doesn’t mean they will. If you are lucky, hit the jackpot and earn a lot of money (let’s hope so!!), think of the future. Sadly it’s a job where age matters. How long will it last, nobody knows. You might be able to keep going till your 30’s or even your 40’s, maybe your 50’s. Then what? Plan ahead and save money for then!!
On the positive side, you’ll be your own boss, but as with any content creator, the audience will want to have a saying on your content. Given the nature of the job, please, always, always, think of yourself first. Never do something that you could regret later!
With all that said, whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck!
Magastan neighbours need to quickly close and fortify their borders.