Huh, well whaddayaknow, I stand corrected. That’s a strange writing choice though, as I’m pretty sure daffodils are poisonous to equines as well…
No, you are thinking of daisy sandwiches. Which makes more sense. Since most daisies are not poisonous, some are even sometimes used in foods. Why this comic uses daffodils, I don’t know…
Get a thermostatic mixer valve. You’ll never go back…
How about the “Sky Warden” tactical crop duster:
I don’t really think, what Hitler and Stalin did to Poland can be considered as “snuggles”.
Pretty cool concept, but by those metrics, normal hydroponic cultivation of crops would be “carbon negative” as well if supplied from a similar power source. This is less about the algae, and more about the energy source for the artificial grow-lights etc…
Get on your knees and start paying!
'Cause Jesus, he knows me and he knows I’m right!
To be fair; of all the large cats to try befriending, a cheetah is probably one of the least bad options. Contrary to panthers and leopards, they don’t have the ambush instinct compelling them to attack you when your back is turned.