“Everyone” wants to quit Facebook, but refuse to because that’s where they find “everyone”. But honestly, everyone has email and SMS as well. I have even seen a huge spike in signal users in my address list in the last weeks. I can now reach most of my friends and family on signal, where I only had ~3 friends on signal a few years ago. I might have contributed to that in my circles.
Be the change! Tell people that you’re not on facebook anymore, and that they can reach you on signal. They don’t want to use signal? Okay, use texts or call then.
Edit: Oh and yes, I also have kids with activities, a job, board positions etc. This complicated thingsa little bit, but not that big of a deal.
Oh absolutely. We need stricter regulations and probably break some monopolies, but I suppose we’re stuck for a few years as Zuckerberg is zucking up to Trump.