Damn, I just bought 12 eggs for 2 Euro. (2.1 if we want to be exact)
Damn, I just bought 12 eggs for 2 Euro. (2.1 if we want to be exact)
You keep saying that word… I don’t think it means what you think it does.
Pretend, something that isn’t what it is being represented to be. E.g. imaginary.
Just because people collectively agree on things doesn’t make it pretend.
Money doesn’t have value because we pretend it does, but rather because we believe it does. Because we trust that it does.
And yes, there is a difference.
On a more real note, it also has value because everyone else trusts that it does. All those other countries. And no, they are not countries because we pretend that they are. They’re countries because we recognize their authority over their territory, and their citizens recognize the authority of their government.
So why do we recognize authority? Because of means to enforce it.
There’s no pretend going on. The consequences will be very real.
Their favorite words used to “debunk” anything you say;
Propaganda, conspiracy, projection.
Anything you say will be one of the three. And everything they say is the real truth.
It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. They’re just gonna shit on the board, fly away and say they won.
Or so he claims.
The dude posts and comments like it’s his full time job.
All you have to do is browse .ml
You know you’re at the right place when you start seeing stuff like “occupied korea”.
I’ve seen plenty of people not only defending Russias invasion but justifying it as the right thing to do with claims that they are “de-nazifying” Ukraine.
He didn’t say scandies are radical. He said we’re left wing. Which is subjective to what you’re comparing to.
If you compare them to the US. Their right would be more left than the US left.
Or summer.
Wake up sun is out.
Go to bed sun is out.
Wake up middle of the “night”, sun is out.
Probably got a little bit lucky but prices seems to have gone down, maybe people just refuse to buy them otherwise. I’m in the far north of EU. Really can’t get much further north than here.