Any chance of enabling multi-instance support on tesseract? Mods currently need accounts on multiple instances due to issues with remote accounts not federating mod actions.
Can we get them to do the same for certain states in the US as well?
Possibly selection bias? Those attending open game groups are more likely to be the ones who don’t have a closed personal group to play with, and ASD folks are more likely to be in that situation.
That’s a very common perception for beginners in the game :). With enough plays you’ll get into the mindset of playing the hand rather than forcing the hand to do something else
Yeah, new niche release. Looks like they didn’t even bother with marketing basics. Or maybe only on French sites. another game that meets your criteria.
IKEA sells bottles like this
You’re basically firing bullets into your table
So, perfect for a Matrix campaign, then?
Root’s gimmick is that every player is a different faction that plays completely differently from everyone else. Makes finding a group to play with in person a challenge (due to the learning curve), but is surprisingly well balanced.
Arcs Blighted Reach is exactly this, cranked up to 11.
Everdell! Because my gaming club really needs an add on to our still-shrink-wrapped Everdell Complete Collection that’s been gathering dust in the corner.
I’ve never been a big fan of political correctness for its own sake, but I’ve not the capacity to put it into words. The article does a pretty good job, especially when touching on the sheer futility of it all.
What does this hypersensitivity mean for the actual playground bullies? It means that they win by default. As the advocates of politically correct language cede one word after another, refusing to allow for the possibility that these words can ever be delivered in a neutral or positive way through acceptable context or tone, the playground bullies succeed in capturing one word after another, imbu- ing them with offensive meanings without the slightest fight over them. Thus, we see the spectacle of an ever-increasing vocabulary of insults and purportedly offensive terms, along with a retreating and ever-changing list of socially accept- able terms. As surely as night follows day, the current politically correct terms differently abled and having special needs, if they catch on at all, will eventually become terms of insult and will be thrown onto the politically correct scrap heap. All that is required is for the terms to enter popular usage and start to be used by bullies in an insulting tone and context. We will then be presented with new terms, coupled with denunciations of those who continue to use the old language.
Oof. Which country is this? I’ll make a note never to visit in winter XD
Mostly insulation, then. My space heater is also below my desk, but keeps the entire room toasty warm.
They’re heavy. Indeed that’s part of their appeal, but if you carry multiple sets it can get a bit unpleasant. Sometimes my purse feels like I’m carrying several sets of knuckle dusters or something.
How many sets are you carrying around all the time? 😂
3°C at my desk at the moment
Jeez. Is that a conscious choice to not heat your home? Also, those are really pretty dice :)
I’ve had metal d20s that I had to stop using because they left divots on my dinner table 😅
I guess that’s praise for how far 3d printing has come nowadays!
There’s nothing inherently wrong with defense spending. Given the current political shitshow worldwide, every country needs to be sure they can keep themselves secure if necessary. The problem is where the funding is coming from, i.e. they need to be taxing the fucking billionaires and conglomerates.
I guess there’s never been a better time for you to be a boardgamer, given the proliferation of deluxe production games :)
And I agree, it’s so nice to be able to pick up and move around something that’s not just cardboard chips!
Yeah, some deckbuilders are way too multiplayer solitaire. I’ll always love dominion but it definitely suffers from this. I found Clank, especially the latest entries, to be a good highly interactive deckbuilder.
I know, that’s what I’m using at the moment :)