Applying the same argument one could say: Computers are also used by malicious actors and I just don’t want to deal with that.
Applying the same argument one could say: Computers are also used by malicious actors and I just don’t want to deal with that.
What sort of exe files did you download if I may ask? games?
Block was maybe the wrong word, barred from posting/commenting, if that makes sense.
None, I can think of, offhand. If I run into it again I will update this comment.
Yes the riper the banana the sweeter the taste…
THIS is the Mexico everybody loves!
She doge-ed a bullet 😂
Trump’s soul mate. Baroness Harkonnen.
so albatrosses are not seagulls? they sure do look like it…
I’ll keep it in mind, will also try to get smoother ice…
Depends on the rich parrents. Just like regular people some rich kids are neglected some are raised by a nanny some receive just as much love as any other child. Neglect can happen at any income bracket.
Don’t judge a lemming by its username.
You are basically derailing this thread… a common form of trolling.
I had some soda prepped for this reason to be completely cold and when i poured it over the ice, the ice removed all the carbonation. basically it started fizzing as soon as it touched the ice. When i just poured it into an empty cup nothing like htat happend.
edit: apparently if you rinse your ice cubes in water it helps prevent the decarbonation
I noticed your username, aren’t you that guy that keeps shitting on people after stealing small chunks of bread?
definitely spiraling the drain…
I’m somewhat of a boomer, what sort of things can you do through assistant?