Copyright law only really holds major rights holders accountable to each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re 100% in the right, if you piss off a rights holder enough they will crush you.
See also CNN vs Canadian United Media.
Copyright law only really holds major rights holders accountable to each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re 100% in the right, if you piss off a rights holder enough they will crush you.
See also CNN vs Canadian United Media.
These big propaganda stations broadcast in dozens of languages.
Idiocracy has transitioned from pessimistic take to optimistic. At least in Idiocracy everybody listened to the smart one and enacted changes that helped.
smh, if he was so important they should have done more to keep him safe.
Events to include “breathing”
Ehh, close enough.
I’m only interested if it automatically appends **56K WARNING** to any post with a gallery.
Apparently there’s some huge drama in data hoarding communities about manufacturers switching between different recording technologies, and how everybody is worried that they aren’t going to last for 5-10-100-1000 years.
Contact a gym, delete a lawyer, hit the Facebook.
Honestly? I think that equal treatment should be afforded regardless of gender. I also know that opinion is wildly unpopular, and so long as society expects unequal treatment there has to be hard conversations and hard decisions made to support those structures. You can’t have it both ways, and no amount of party-line fingers in your ears "wouldn’t you like to know"ing makes that go away.
So long as society feels it necessary to provide protections for women, the distinction has real consequences. Drawing a line anywhere is a tradeoff between inclusivity and effectiveness.
Taking the party line “high ground” stance of either conclusive self-determination or dodging the question entirely is why this question is so effective.
Only one of these creatures has “decapitated a fish to use as a Fleshlight” on their resume.