TIL Musk has Canadian citizenship
TIL Musk has Canadian citizenship
Super super super glue
No no, he has a point…
I actually haven’t used anything that makes use of the Deck microphones yet, do they work well for this?
Go into desktop mode, open the menu and use the search function to look for “Nested Desktop”. Now right click and add that to Steam. When you boot into Game mode, you’ll see a new item added called Nested Desktop, which you can open to access desktop mode while still in game mode. I found out about this a week ago and so far I use it most for referencing my digital game guides or searching NMS portal codes while still gaming.
Make sure to check out “Nested Desktop mode”, it’s a great way to have faster access while in the default Game mode
Oh I know, I was just stating the three words I’d say to my boss. If I ask what happened, then I probably just arrived to see the mess at the same time they did, right? 😁
The real question for the intenet is how long until your character ends up with Rule 34 art?
The answer is, when you showed the internet!
Not to mention, there is a fetish for that. So now they made it worse
I really like this one, because something fun could be done to ‘graduate’ if to a full path. My first thought would be flat top stones as a sort of gentle staircase leading over the entire circle.
Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.