The level of production of CO2 is so vast that planting trees is not going to do anything meaningful. We need to sharply and rapidly stop producing CO2 immediately and work on viable scalable CO2 removal and storage methods with urgency.
The level of production of CO2 is so vast that planting trees is not going to do anything meaningful. We need to sharply and rapidly stop producing CO2 immediately and work on viable scalable CO2 removal and storage methods with urgency.
The two trailers put out on the Star Trek Youtube channel definitely didn’t calm my concerns about this movie!
There is no need, nor is it Star Trek, to have a dark evil underbelly that does all the real work. The true beauty of Star Trek is it makes us reflect on how far away we are from a utopian future version of society. Its an optimistic picture of the future, its the essence of what Star Trek is about.
The UK wastes most of its graduate talent, much of it ends up in jobs other than what the degree is directly in. Despite quite a lot of great Computer Science and Engineering universities most of the reasonable paid jobs have historically been in finance. As inequality gets worse and worse the Uk is becoming a county of serfs and lords once again with a poor populace and very rich owners. Its what people keep voting for so its what they want but it confuses me everytime people vote to be lorded over.
What I don’t understand is why Intel was willing to lie so extensively. They knew they were going to get found out in a matter of months and that would do enormous damage to their brand. After the failures of 13th and 14th gen processors they weren’t likely to be believed anyway. It makes no sense.
The problem is we have done nothing about making businesses responsible for the mess they create, from CO2 to pollution. The public always ends up with the bill while private owners walk away rich. We have been doing it this way now for so long that we are genuinely going to destroy our habitat with climate change and no one is going to stop it happening.
That sure is some bad framing. Nvidia is charging too much to squeeze out the AIBs or they all just want too much profit for their part in this. Either way its not that the MSRP is charity(!) its just high prices.