And we will counter Tarif, as we should, and both countries will be worse off!
I would love to see everyone just throw a heavy tariff on the US.
And we will counter Tarif, as we should, and both countries will be worse off!
I would love to see everyone just throw a heavy tariff on the US.
I’d love to visit Yellowstone, or do some hiking of Mt Saint Hellens with my kid… Not happening for a while.
For sure…
But, IDK, i think modern Twitter is worse than modern reddit. That said i havnt been on reddit since the migration.
Bad, but not nearly Twitter bad.
What a machine to donate! Thanks!
I donated for a couple months, and had to stop due to personal finances, hope tos tart again soon
I’m 35, and these are my favorite guilty pleasure chocolate.
They are horrible for you, but god I love them
Anything to keep Canadians dumb and uninformed.
No, im really not. There is too much darkness, and too much hate.
The gun culture, “freedumb” insanity, and lack of basics such as healthcare make me view it fairly close to the third world. the only they thing have better there is more buying power.
What did you not like about 3?
I loved one and two, missed 3, but started playing it recently