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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024


  • The communication aspect is vital. Just getting people on anonymous forums where the can actually coordinate would do a world of good.

    When it comes to the live disks, I agree, it’s 100% sketchy. Which is exactly why I’m not handing them out to random strangers. I’m only personally going to be giving them to friends who have frequently trusted me to have full access to their computers anyways. If those friends then want to distribute more drives to people who trust them then we might get a network effect going.

    If other people started doing this the the only part I would be personally distributing to them is the guides and ideally those would just be hosted somewhere like github (but preferably not github specifically) for community input. If they don’t have enough knowledge to download and verify their own tails live disks then they don’t have enough knowledge to be trusted to hand out sketchy flashdrives.

    Also the cheapest source I could find for bulk small flashdrives also happens to customize them for free, so I’m personally going with some business card sized ones and will have printed on the front in big red letters “THIS COULD BE A VIRUS. Only use this live disk if you received it in person from someone you trust.” After that disclaimer I should have enough room to add instructions for booting the live disk.

    As I said, it’s very far from perfect. But if it’s someones only option then it’s there. The reason I am going the premade livedisk route is that there are plenty of people who aren’t tech savy enough to properly and securely configure their own setup. The preconfigured live disk eliminates all of that which also happens to be the most complex step. I’m aiming at making something that even my mom could use. As far as the physical booklet goes the reason I’m not going that route is mainly just from my personal experience writing instructions for factory workers, some of whom brag about being borderline illiterate. I’ve found that if you give people too much information in a single doccument then they tend to not read any of it. Remember, the average user on lemmy could almost certainly do this all on their own, they aren’t my target audience. When writing something that you want even the least savy average person to read and understand I’ve personally found that it’s better to split the instructions into several doccuments of ideally only a single page with lots of visual aids included. Believe it or not, but I’ve found that while people can read seperate short doccuments perfectly fine, if you put them all together and call them chapters or sections then a lot of people are suddenly no longer able to read it. It defies all logic but I have personally seen it happen over and over again. My best geuss is if a single doccument has enough sections then it starts triggering some ingrained textbook phobia.

  • A project I’m personally working on now which I’m sure many people on here could also do is I’m making and distributing Tails live disks with prewritten guides on how to use them including how to use Tor and how to purchase illegal goods on it.

    With many lifesaving drugs about to become illegal in the US ( i.e. abortion pils, and drugs for gender afirming care) many people will soon have no option other than to turn to illegal sources for these drugs. While this is a far from ideal solution I am hoping to make the process as safe and straightforward for people as I possibly can for when they run out of other options. I have a background in writing manufacturing instructions where I take highly complex engineering doccumentation and break it down in such a way that any new hire off the street could understand it; so I’m hoping to apply those skills to writing these guides.

    Unfortunately, while I used to know a fair bit about online security and how to safely use online black markets, my knowledge is about a decade out of date. I’m sure recomended practices and safety concerns have changed quite a bit. So if anyone wants to give me a hand with this I could use some more up to date info and more technical guides myself just to brush up on things. It would save me a ton of work in tracking them down myself. I’m mainly just hoping to traslate any existing technical information I can find into something the average person would be able to understand because that’s where my skillset lies. When I have these guides more fleshed out I plan to post them somewhere for community input and, after further refinement based on that input, for others to use and distribute.

  • Not if it’s not more fun than a 12ga slug. Not even meaning this in a depression way, I’ll keep working for and looking towards a better future. But when shit really hits the fan I’m not going to be starving to death in a ditch because of environmental collapse or becoming an actual slave to a facist regime. The way I see it, there’s worse things than a quick death.