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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • I was dumb and spoiled by vscode, i wanted to integrate a task runner and a debugger. They both worked kinda shitty compared to what vscode does and i disliked how bloated the config was. Now i simply use GDB as the debugger and Just as the task runner, stickitg to helix more because of the keybinds, integrated tree sitter and other stuff.

    I also love to tinker the environment i work in to my liking (love me my gruvbox hyprland), but i’m kinda not a fan of doing everything from scratch, and pre-made configs for nvim either give me agoraphobia by how huge they are, or are too barebones. Helix just clicked for me, because it offers everything necessary out of the box, while allowing to tailor the rest to your liking. Also, because of its editing model which is supperior.