A human trafficking minor fucker was tapped for AG.
Roy Moore, the guy that was supposed to replace Jeff Sessions as senator wasn’t allowed in the mall. Too diddly.
“They’re not sending their best.”
A human trafficking minor fucker was tapped for AG.
Roy Moore, the guy that was supposed to replace Jeff Sessions as senator wasn’t allowed in the mall. Too diddly.
“They’re not sending their best.”
So democrats should have done more to appeal to Muslim voters to make sure they don’t vote for trump?
I’d say yeah. Fucking A.
Bc it sounds like you think it’s Muslims fault not voting for their own eradication, rather than democrats fault for not promising to not eradicate them.
Source, please.
And since you think they’re stupid, it really sounds like you just don’t think democrats should give any shits about Muslims, since they’re just stupid trump supporters anyway
I’m ChronosTriggerWarning, and I do not approve this message.
I’m gonna need some links of me saying this shit you’re yelling at me for saying…
I’m of two minds: you’ve confused me for someone else’s comment OR you’ve misunderstood, badly, something I’ve said.
The fuck are you even talking about? What “libshit” am i denying…?
I never said ANY OF THAT.
Get those windmills, Quixote.
Trying to teach stupid people? Obviously, you’ve never taught. Try teaching a fish to use a unicycle, then get back to us .
I, too, poses a… Danger Noodle. 😏
Stupid Brits. A snake is a “danger noodle,” not a “slippery dippery long mover.”
See, that comma is doing some interesting work here. My interpretation is that sex itself is not allowed to enter the museum. I’m not seeing any rules prohibiting patrons from engaging in naked fun time.
Fuck the Book Burners! All hail The Hand!