Love to see metrics im apart of. I only play TF2, Minecraft and emulate PS2 games nowadays.
Love to see metrics im apart of. I only play TF2, Minecraft and emulate PS2 games nowadays.
I highly recommend not visiting this website, but if you absolutely should please use Tor. The log collection policy of this website is unknown and god forbid somehow the logs are obtained it could be used against you.
I’m leaving this here for no particular reason.
You just blew my mind. I didn’t know it’s even possible.
Kids don’t vote so…
The comments (and maybe the article too, I didn’t read to the bottom) are misinformation. This guy isn’t enabling Russian hacker groups. What happened is he ripped the BluRay and posted it online. Since it got a lot of hype Russian hackers decided to use that opportunity and ship a similar file ending in .exe instead of the usual Matroska format (.mkv) you see usually with ripped BluRays. If you were around torrent communities back then you know this to be false. These are your tax dollars at work, potentially jailing someone up to 15 years for ripping a BluRay.
I’ve never ripped BluRays but from what I’ve been told by someone who is apart of a P2P release group the jist is there’s an exploit in Intel SGX that made BluRay protection obsolete and the tools to crack BRs are practically publicly available if you search around for a bit. The funny thing is newer CPUs/mobos don’t support Intel SGX, which is one way to stop it.
Nitter link.
Also, the Chromium forks need to get onboard. I think Opera doesn’t care about ads either so it will likely go against it but Microsoft will definitely add it to Edge.
Use Firefox :)
What happened on June 21st? The API shutdown was on July 1st.
What they’re actually gonna do is release Plex 2 or something and then just invalidate all the old lifetime licenses, as they were for Plex and not Plex 2