Thanks for the laugh.
Thanks for the laugh.
It also helps that Luigi looks fine af. Like not even kidding I’m sure that’s a big part of the support too lol.
Time to reinforce your roofs everyone! Watch out for falling debris.
Yeah, but that’s only as long as they target the US with their bullshit. Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones (spoiler it’s gonna be Europe).
I‘m having a hard time grasping the whole thing. It’s actually insane that THIS happened. I feel like I am having a fever dream lol.
Talk about boldness. This is just ridiculous haha. Man should be in El Salvador right now. Not the White House.
Also, that bathroom looks fucking ugly. How can you have infinite money and then use it to make a room like this…
Damn these domestic terrorists /s
That country fucking sucks major ass. Space lasers when?
Easiest way to shoot yourself in the face haha
But you don’t understand. They don’t want their kids to get autism! They want them to die instead. Also they probably smoke cigarettes. I swear people like that are fucking morons lol.
Is… is this the real picture? Of the classified material that was shared by trump? Holy fuck lmfao. I thought it was like one letter or something, secretly hidden under the rug; this looks hilarious I’m sorry.
I also think it was fake. I fucking hate the guy but he’s so full of bullshit that I literally don’t believe ANYTHING he claims.
He could say he breathes air and I would have my doubts.
That country fucking sucks ass.
Maybe, but the same could be said about most European countries. It’s mainly the small ones that are currently „growing“. The established big players have been kinda stagnant for a while.
The dude freed Andrew Tate. I don’t need to know anything else. Donald trump is a fucking scumbag and I hope he dies sooner rather than later. Hopefully it happens in a plane together with musk and Vance.
He probably doesn’t know the difference between conquering and annexing. I wish I was kidding but it might be true.
Europe stands with Canada. This situation sucks so much. I hope France sends some nukes to extend the so called umbrella.
If one person is open for bribery, it’s VDL. Fuck this woman. She literally got „promoted out“ of Germany because we were tired of her corruption. Now she’s head of EU. Very good. Best decision ever.
What could possibly go wrong?
I imagine it’s pretty damn big to close down an entire airport. But I’m no expert or course lol.
I am not from there but calling the UK a failed state is a stretch…
Yeah. America (USA) only made empty promises. Most of their aid didn’t even arrive. It’s just hot air.
But, as a German resident, and considering that we just approved one trillion for Defense and infrastructure, with no actual cap if we needed more, I feel like 3 billion is kind of a joke? Am I wrong?