Glad you made it. It’s a lovely community we’re creating. And we need everyone’s input to make it happen inclusively.
Glad you made it. It’s a lovely community we’re creating. And we need everyone’s input to make it happen inclusively.
Yay for Canada! All of those US brands, not one in my home. You’ll be better off without them.
It seems to be part of the plan.
And the holes in the lid need to be smaller than a mosquito. Maybe some fine meshed screen would be helpful. I can’t really tell how big the holes are without a banana, for scale.
Thank you, that’s very thorough. And fortunately I’m just a few steps away from that level, so tightening up my act won’t be such a chore.
So what are y’all well informed, and security conscious folx doing? Truly location data can be useful for me, for people I want to know sometimes, but gets kind of concerning for certain entities to know and be able to track over time.
Nifty project! Any idea of the capacity?
I’d like to know, too. Preferably biodegradable fabrics.
Is this like those dimples on golf balls, to make an air cushion layer to improve aerodynamics?