With support’s help I was able to get into my childhood account from 2001 and that’s what I’m playing with now! You don’t need to if you don’t want to, of course, but it can be done.
With support’s help I was able to get into my childhood account from 2001 and that’s what I’m playing with now! You don’t need to if you don’t want to, of course, but it can be done.
Pretty sure your username is PillowTalk420 though
In neopets [aside: yes, neopets still exists, go recover your account and feed your dang pets; end of aside] there is a random event that can happen as you play where members of the Kiko Lake team are “fundraising” to go to the Altador Cup. The way they fundraise is by stealing an item from your inventory.
This is permanent and irreversible, and has even happened to items for which players have paid actual real-life dollars (about which support’s response can be summed up as “lol sorry”). Of all of the negative REs on the site, Kiko Lake is by far the worst, and so #drainkikolake has become a bit of a player rallying-cry.
I wonder if something like project management might be a good fit for you. Or perhaps some sort of social services.
In any case, I think most people work any number of different jobs before settling on a career path, and sometimes trying things out is the way we find what we’d like to do. And when thinking about a long-term direction it’s less important to “love” the work than to choose sometimes that will be sustainably intellectually engaging for you and that you feel is worth doing, and worth doing well.
In May my spouse and I are going away together for a few days without the kids for the first time in a decade.
The tulip and daffodil leaves are emerging in our gardens and soon we will have flowers.
Our church is starting up again this week & I love choir.
French’s ketchup is made from tomatoes grown in Leamington, ON. It was a huge deal when Heinz pulled out from their plant there & then French’s bought it.
It’s hard but even small efforts help. For me the hierarchy kinda goes like this:
I aim for number one, try to avoid number four, and the two inner ones are a little more loosey-goosey for me and will depend mostly on the individual product. There are some things we just don’t produce here so… I just do what I can, where I can, and don’t feel guilty if there’s an American product I can’t replace (ever/yet).
I use an app called ReadEra which I like very much. I use the free version but it looks like the premium version does what you’re looking for: it can sync via Google drive and you can upload your own fonts. (Premium is a one-time $20 payment, not a subscription.)
I just spent $7 for a pound of Ontario greenhouse strawberries instead of $1.99 for a pound from California. Just as an example. My brothers and I keep texting each other Canadian products we’ve found to replace US options. We’re far from alone.
What American media is downplaying is that this is about way more than tariffs. This is about a friendly neighbour suddenly deciding that it would like our stuff/land/people and making real threats about taking it. It’s about a bully threatening our national sovereignty and everyone in his country either going along with it or throwing up their hands in despair. It’s an incredible betrayal and Canadians are enraged.
(As an acquaintance of mine put it: do you know how hard you have to work to get Canada to boo your country? That’s a real accomplishment, you guys.)
In terms of how things are going, here are some recent pieces from our national media:
How old is your sibling?
Making squares into a blanket is a great way to do it :) And the squares themselves can be very satisfying just because they go from casting on to finished so quickly. It’s nice to have something that works up fast, especially if you’ve got bigger things also on the go.
Here’s a close-up of part of the underside:
And you can see a little more detail here (the flowers are the centre parts of big squares for the border that I’m working on adding):
Well, I’ve made about a zillion baby blankets, so making a really big one didn’t seem like too much of a step. Clothes, though, that’s something I’ve yet to attempt!
Very nice! Is that bernat blanket yarn? How did you find it to work with?
I threw up during pregnancy once when I had just had OJ and brussel sprouts. It was years before I could take even a sip of orange juice without feeling nauseated all over again.
OP seems to be in Europe, so I’m not sure how much of your second point applies.
Just three stitches! Well, technically, four, but the last one is just a very simple variation on double crochet (going around the post instead of on top of the stitch).
I’ve done it in a couple of different yarn weights & blends and it’s a very forgiving pattern as long as your hook is suitable to the yarn. I recommend a single-colour yarn or one with a very long gradient to show off the stitching; shorter gradients will look a bit mottled.
Here’s the first one I did, in a 2-weight 100% cotton:
And a rectangular version in progress which is 100% merino and probably about a 4-weight:
I don’t see them with boost.
Ah, I see. I only see your username, not a display name; maybe because I’m using Boost?