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Joined 13 days ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2025

  • First of all I have to say that I identify as non binary but am AMAB. In the timeframe that I had still identified as a Man, I had been on a few dates, granted, not many but still a few to have some experience with the matter. Of course what I say in terms of personal experience is merely anecdotal evidence and can’t be generalized for the whole of the population or worldwide. I am a pretty talktative person and I do ask and have asked alot of questions. In general boys are brought up to handle problems or things in general by doing something about it instead of talking about it, is that a questionable approach? Yes of course, but still you are expected to, like eran_morad put it, be “conditioned to STFU”, depending on how your parents have handled that topic, this could lead from telling you that “you talk as much as a woman” to telling you to “stop babbelng like a waterfall and get to the point” etc. when you grow up. I had been on dates where in most of the cases I had to pick up the slack and keep the conversation going or, even worse, initiate the conversation when I wanted to have one getting shown amost some sort of disinterest from the person I was on the date with (maybe due to the ages of us two at the time? I don’t know). This lead to me one day just trying to see how valuable and interesting you are to the other person to let them initiate the conversation and ask most of the questions. I think due to social media and dating Apps we overvalue ourselves and I mean everybody with that regardless of gender, so if somebody who identifies as a Man doesn’t ask too many questions it could be the case that they have either been discouraged of talking too much by being told comments like the ones above while growing up, or they are testing to see how much value you as a conversation partner, especially when it comes to women, see in him by letting you pursue him instead of him having to pursue you. And if nowadays you are considering yourself to be a “strong independent woman” or something it shouldn’t be that much of a hassle to just show a bit of interest in your date. Not to advocate for strict traditional gender roles or anything but you can’t expect princess treatment (e.g. getting your part of the bill covered, being pursued on a date by him holding the whole conversation etc.) and also consider yourself a “strong independent woman”, I know you haven’t claimed that at all but just as a side note. So even though my experience is entirely subjective, I do think that more and more Men want to try what I did, feel as if they have to keep the conversation going because of past experiences where this was indeed the case, or maybe they want to break out of their conditioning they got as boys and many women don’t seem to like this fact.