• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • Many feel betrayed because he (partially at least) politically aligns with someone (and something) they loathe intensely. The feeling of betrayal probably comes from an implied idea that because they align on the issue of digital privacy they naturally do so in other aspects, and with the comments made by the CEO that idea is burst and someone who once felt familiar is now foreign.

  • Jeg har fået læst den første bog i Ringenes herre, noget det krævede lidt tilløb siden jeg forsøgte (og “fejlede”) i mine teenageår. Jeg har umiddelbart to ting…

    1. filmen er enormt langt fra bogen, det havde jeg faktisk ikke regnet med.

    2. jeg fucking HADER tom bombadil og hans pisse irriterende lalleglade syngende karakter.

    Tolkiens skrivestil er virkelig ikke noget for mig, den virker bevidst langtrukken bare for at være det. Den er selvfølgelig meget beskrivende, men det virker nærmest komisk overdrevet helt ud i det absurde.

  • You can donate to Godot without making an account too, that’s only needed if you want to make a recurrent donations (through their system)

    I didn’t even mention a specific coin.

    Not a specific coin no, but to another you did write “If Godot accepted cryptocurrencies I use, then I would donate to them.” in another reply. Perhaps you didn’t intend to limit it specifically to the currencies you already use, but just crypto in general?

    On a philosophical note, cryptocurrencies can free us from the control of banks. That lack of centralization should be appealing to people in the free software community.

    Sure in a broad general sense that might be achievable, but useful adoption levels of crypto is nowhere near possible for the foreseeable future so why let that stop you from supporting? It honestly just sound like a bad excuse or, as someone else mentioned already, just peddling crypto for the sake of it.