I don’t think there’s any fight here? This is some weird holdover from console wars.
Let people enjoy things. Have fun Switch 2 peeps.
I don’t think there’s any fight here? This is some weird holdover from console wars.
Let people enjoy things. Have fun Switch 2 peeps.
The corporate euphemisms are spilling over and mixing with double newspeak.
“Trump plans to touch base with the sparked concerns.”
It’ll just be word salad with no meaning soon.
100% CU and corporations are people.
CU’s argument that money is speech & therefore 1st amendment is stupid. It makes no sense that individuals have spending limits while a loophole doesn’t. Why not scale the max a corporation can spend based on the number of people?
The end result is the commodification of speech, speech that can be sold. If someone has more money, they have more speech. It’s like separate but equal: they could be similar, but they aren’t, and there’s been massive harm.
We’ve never seen a corporation go to jail for murder. I get the legal arguments for why corporations are treated as people, but the end result is systemic violence just has a price tag. If a person looted like corporations, poisoned land like corporations, killed like a corporation, they’d go to jail. Instead, the corporation is a smoke screen defusing blame across some amorphous identity when we know it’s some shady boardroom person saying, “I’m okay with harming millions for money.” Look at big pharma gouging insulin.
1 Timothy 6:10, the love of money is the root of all evil. If you made $400k/per working day between now and when Jesus was born, you’d still have less money than Bezos. That’s absurd. No one needs or deserves that while people are struggling.
The neoliberal philosophy on the left.
As a person who grew up in American schools post-Columbine, with kids in schools now, and none of us are CEOs, this is probably the take that saddens me most about this whole event. It’s our kids, and the argument used to be about freedom. Soon, we won’t even have that. What was the fucking point? (Rhetorical: profit)
I know we’re all alive at a special time in humanity. We think we’re so civilized. Then I look around, and it’s the same history playing on repeat. When do the monkeys figure out it’s one species? (Rhetorical again: 😬)
Cool, more tariffs to punish…us?