why do you want it? the story was finished and the characters were resolved well. it’s okay for things to end.
Hi, there!
I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)
(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy 🐈⬛)
why do you want it? the story was finished and the characters were resolved well. it’s okay for things to end.
Please don’t make Portal 3.
just please no more sekiro
Do you think they would have stopped at 100 people, had they had more cells available?
just because a district is conservative doesn’t mean there are no progressives in it.
you perfectly nailed the reason i don’t even use rtx. the side by sides just arent good enough, in the actual games. I can’t justify the additional performance hit when i literally cannot tell the difference in reflections when swapping between the two on a real gameplay setting. sure it looks different, but better? more often than not, no. obviously this all varies in degree game to game depending how it was designed. Hogwarts Legacy rtx DID look better, but it wasnt enough to justify it. the baked scenes were great looking too.
I think language having the ability to say things in various ways is very practical. if you try to read a book written by someone who only says things in one way all the time, it’s probably going to be a dull book.
you only think they are goofy because they are more common, so you’re used to the terms. How is “murder” of crows any more silly than a “school” of fish?
you’ve never heard flock of geese? herd of cows? school of fish? these are incredibly common.
I’m so surprised people have specific buttons? Is there a reason? I just mash my whole hand at the keyboard
i frankly don’t see anything they could do that wouldn’t be copying mods that already exist.
imo they should have injected the portal gun into half life 3 and carried it on from there, but I’m just some guy on the internet.