I am having a tidy up of Communities/etc so quite a few will go. There’ll be some warning, but it will be done before August.
Well that’s entirely put me off.
Not because of her bigoted rants. I would imagine that isn’t going to show up in the show all that much – I can’t imagine how she can work it in without making it overly obvious.
No – my problem is that Secrets of Dumbledore was crap. I mean REALLY bad. So if she brings her “special touch” to the series the way she did with that then god its going to be appalling.
I was honestly just curious – it just seemed so out of place. Even in the full post (the source – not the version I posted) I couldn’t figure out how it got from werewolf periods to the moth string.
Thanks :) :) :)
Or a commentary on the crappy education system in whatever country the commenter comes from.
If they aren’t taught Shakespeare or ancient history it’s possible they may not have learned about this event in history.