They do have a ruling. 1935. May not without cause. Specific language is inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. So your point is…?
They do have a ruling. 1935. May not without cause. Specific language is inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. So your point is…?
If you mean the slider, fair enough.
If you were like me and didn’t know about the double slider; if you drag the comment left, the first symbol is to collapse to parent, if you keep dragging a bit further, it goes to reply. Hope that helps!
Don’t stress, the plastic’s got 'em. Thanks for taking the time to share your explanations though.
I beleive the Ukrainian government said something along the lines of “we’re willing to negotiate as long as there are assurances of support should Russia resume invading” and were told they would get no auch assurance from the US…
So is your positon
a) european countries should put boots on the ground
b) a country should stop their defence with no 3rd party guarantees of protection should promises get broken
c) something else?
Hey bud, FTC, not FCC. Both woulf be bad but this might be worse.
FTC website (current 20250319)
FTC website (current 20250319)