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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • Imagine being a NK soldier.

    You have no idea what the rest of the world is like, but you’ve been told that NK is the most amazing place because of glorious leader. glorious leader is a literal god to you.

    now, you’re in an unfamiliar place, fighting a war you know nothing about, and you’re sweeping a sunflower field for any sign of the enemy. suddenly you hear a buzzing sound far off in the distance and look around for any threats.

    suddenly, out of the corner of your eye you see movement… above you. how is this possible? you thought the rest of the world was trash, could never compete with NK and glorious leader.

    just as the flying mechanism closes in, you slip in the mud, face planting. you try to scream, but the ground is unrelenting and holds you.

    your final moments are not of glorious leader or the unwaivering will of your military might. you don’t even have family to look back on fondly in your last moment.

    you are consumed with fear, doubt, sadness, regret. and then, nothing.

  • is the earth round can be construed the same way as, “is Jesus real?”.

    it’s different than asking “what shape is our planet” because the onus to answer is on the interviewee. A similar question for religion would be, “who is Jesus”. note the term “is” leading an individual to provide their own opinion of who Jesus is vs “was” describing who Jesus was historically.

    facts have nothing to do with personal beliefs, which are protected by the first amendment. you cannot ask someone about their personal beliefs and then reject their application based on those beliefs.

    you can however ask them for factual evidence that may lead to them to give up personal prejudices freely. hence giving them an open-ended question that allows them to elaborate on who they are(individual) instead of what they are(position).

  • those aren’t examples they’re hearsay. “oh everybody knows this to be true”

    You are ignoring ALL of the of the positive applications of AI from several decades of development, and only focusing on the negative aspects of generative AI.

    generative AI is the only “AI”. everything that came before that was a thought experiment based on the human perception of a neural network. it’d be like calling a first draft a finished book.

    if you consider the Turing Test AI then it blurs the line between a neural net and nested if/else logic.

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of some applications:

    • In healthcare as a tool for earlier detection and prevention of certain diseases

    great, give an example of this being used to save lives from a peer reviewed source that won’t be biased by product development or hospital marketing.

    • For anomaly detection in intrusion detection system, protecting web servers

    let’s be real here, this is still a golden turd and is more ML than AI. I know because it’s my job to know.

    • Disaster relief for identifying the affected areas and aiding in planning the rescue effort

    hearsay, give a creditable source of when this was used to save lives. I doubt that AI could ever be used in this way because it’s basic disaster triage, which would open ANY company up to litigation should their algorithm kill someone.

    • Fall detection in e.g. phones and smartwatches that can alert medical services, especially useful for the elderly.

    this dumb. AI isn’t even used in this and you know it. algorithms are not AI. falls are detected when a sudden gyroscopic speed/ direction is identified based on a set number of variables. everyone falls the same when your phone is in your pocket. dropping your phone will show differently due to a change in mass and spin. again, algorithmic not AI.

    • Various forecasting applications that can help plan e.g. production to reduce waste. Etc…

    forecasting is an algorithm not AI. ML would determine the percentage of an algorithm is accurate based on what it knows. algorithms and ML is not AI.

    There have even been a lot of good applications of generative AI, e.g. in production, especially for construction, where a generative AI can the functionally same product but with less material, while still maintaining the strength. This reduces cost of manufacturing, and also the environmental impact due to the reduced material usage.

    this reads just like the marketing bullshit companies promote to show how “altruistic” they are.

    Does AI have its problems? Sure. Is generative AI being misused and abused? Definitely. But just because some applications are useless it doesn’t mean that the whole field is.

    I won’t deny there is potential there, but we’re a loooong way from meaningful impact.

    A hammer can be used to murder someone, that does not mean that all hammers are murder weapons.

    just because a hammer is a hammer doesn’t mean it can’t be used to commit murder. dumbest argument ever, right up there with “only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

  • I don’t get the ai hate sentiment.

    I don’t get what’s not to get. AI is a heap of bullshit that’s piled on top of a decade of cryptobros.

    it’s not even impressive enough to make a positive world impact in the 2-3 years it’s been publicly available.

    shit is going to crash and burn like web3.

    I’ve seen people put full on contracts that are behind NDAs through a public content trained AI.

    I’ve seen developers use cuck-pilot for a year and “never” code again… until the PR is sent back over and over and over again and they have to rewrite it.

    I’ve seen the AI news about new chemicals, new science, new _fill-in-the-blank and it all be PR bullshit.

    so yeah, I don’t believe AI is our savior. can it make some convincing porn? sure. can it do my taxes? probably not.