I nominate Pete Hegseth’s mom.
I nominate Pete Hegseth’s mom.
If you were lucky enough to get a very heavy rain say three inches you would have three inches of water in that can. For it to work enough to be practical you need a large surface area that divers the rain water into the can. A roof with a downspout is a good example
Pretty sure the washer goes on the bottom
Smoke and mirrors. Trump talks tough talk. Putin says war is over. Trump stops Ukraine weapon flow. Russia keeps territory gained. Trump takes credit. Putin averts Russia economic collapse.
Not me but a coworker. Worked for a food importer and distributor back in the early 90’s and had never heard of needing any kind of certification to operate a forklift. Coworker who gave me a ride and got me stoned on the way to work every morning has a minor accident while on the tow motor. He is embarrassed and panics. Rather than stopping and taking a deep breath he tries to straighten out the error before the boss finds out and ends up puncturing the drywall above the office with the forks. It was 35 years ago, I still remember thinking how easily those forks could go through me
Am from NE Ohio and have never heard people driving on frozen lakes except to ice fish. We would do donuts in large parking lots. Bonus if you do it with the windows down. Bumper skiing was another one. Ah to be young and insane again…
Is it a doxxhund? I can’t tell