When I was still being taken to church I won the door prize at youth group (church for teens) one night during a special event we were running (some thing to encourage people to invite their non-believing school friends and show how “hip” and “fun” they were, there were raffles and video games alongside our usual “live music”, skate ramps and bbq). The prize itself was a mobile phone. I was so happy because I didn’t already have one, but ultimately my parents decided I couldn’t have/use it until I got a job to pay for the credit. I did eventually get a job at KFC and was able to use the phone.
Another time I was visiting NZ with my parents and we were touring the base of a mountain and the guide was like “guess the height and whoever gets closest wins this pen”, I won but my mum made me give the pen back because she thought I’d cheated somehow? Idfk. Still a bit salty about the pen.
Wow. Thanks for the info. Seems like a place I don’t want to be after all.
Not sure if I even really belong here but here goes nothing…
Name - Jay is fine
Gender identity - transmasc nonbinary (it’s complicated)
Transition length - was 6 years on T, currently off T for reasons
Euphoria - idk, I feel pretty lost lately
From - Australia
Looking for - relatable content
Random fact - I can touch my nose with my tongue (is that a fun fact?)
Every time…