I have a vivid memory of my mom teaching me to ride with no training wheels the same way. I felt so fast.
I have a vivid memory of my mom teaching me to ride with no training wheels the same way. I felt so fast.
Oh man. I thought you were saying that you asked her out and she said she was fine.
“All across the country, especially here in Mississippi, the vast majority of bills relating to contraception and/or abortion focus on the woman’s role when men are fifty percent of the equation,” he wrote. “This bill highlights that fact and brings the man’s role into the conversation. People can get up in arms and call it absurd but I can’t say that bothers me.”
It’s a Democrat introduced bill with no chance of passing. The intent is to point out the absurdity and creepiness of controlling people’s bodies and sex lives by flipping the gender. Kind of clever.
If the list includes everyone, what good is the list?
I don’t have a problem of ignorance. That just means you don’t know something. Willful ignorance is a whole other game though. It sounds like they were just ignorant and willing to learn from their mistakes.