For a regular personal loan it might be close. I can say over the last year my TFSA did a little better than the rate on my line of credit, but that’s just an anecdotal data point. Where it usually makes more sense is something like having a mortgage, which is generally a lower rate, making the minimum payments on a long amortization period and using any extra cash to invest. For a minimal risk investment like GICs and such the return is minimal. For a longer horizon, more volatile equity investments will do better, but also more risky for short term gains.
Reminder that “engagement” is likely a major factor regardless of whether it’s agreement or not. Commenting that you disagree with something is the same as commenting agreement as far as the algorithm is concerned. Ignoring things that you don’t want to spread seems like a good way to combat this, but that leaves you with the “echo chamber” issue. If we only engage with things we agree with then our ideals are never challenged and we don’t have an opportunity to improve. Seems kind of damned if you do damned if you don’t.