I think its a solid question to ask, does trump do anything besides think about other peoples junk?
I think its a solid question to ask, does trump do anything besides think about other peoples junk?
You can’t install macOS on any PC you like either
I dont understand your question…
it sounds like that might be a your laptop problem
All the laptops Ive ever tried and all the desktops including my current one which is a very generic Ryzen 7? None of them have ever suspended reliably, thats for sure a linux problem. Without that feature, I cannot switch to it as my daily. Its relegated to server only for me sadly.
Where there’s a problem there’s usually a solution, you just might need to root around the web for answers.
Thats a huge problem for linux, average users are never going to do that. But as a long time linux user myself I have been trying to find solution to the suspend problem for a long time and I still cant find one. So Id say its a big problem.
Suspend doesn’t really work for my Thinkpad either. Computers were never really meant to ‘suspend’
Well, whether computers were ‘meant’ to suspend is beside the point, windows made it work somehow but so far linux has not, and Id call it a required for most users. Without that feature working reliably, I can’t personally make the switch even though I want to.
30 years Ive never seen windows fail to suspend… coming back from suspend ya I have seen a few errors in 30 years, not many.
Ive been using windows 30 years and linux for 20, Ive never seen windows fail at suspending on any system in that time. Linux on the other hand Ive never seen it reliably suspend on any system. Dont get me wrong I want to use linux at home very badly, but none of the fixes I have looked into have solved the problem. Its a 100% required feature for me.
I think most of the ‘push back’ we are seeing from judges is going to end up being performative, its all for show. No one is pushing back, trump is raping the country just like he raped all those women.
I suspect at the end we will find its all performative, just like the dems trying to look like that are doing something… oh wait, they arent even doing that
Like, dont millions of people work in the education sector? Wont they all be on the streets or on unemployment lines??? Am I missing something here?
howd you resolve the suspend issue, or do you just never put your comp into sleep or suspend?
(for clarity I have installed linux on many machines over the years to try it, never once has suspend ever worked consistently)
I couldnt use linux on my laptop 15 years ago because suspend never seemed to work. Just tried it again last week on my generic desktop, suspend still not working. So ya linux has come a long way. Still cant use it.
developers focus on making the thing work first, look nice someone else’s problem
How is Krita?
I fully converted all my workflows to Krita a long time again, its amazing
The 3.0 upgrade was the result of the getting their house in order and modernizing
meh I believe they can walk and chew gum at the same time, I think they just wanna walk and not chew gum at all
I mean, the name is a bigger problem than anyone seems to want to admit
Which is why I use Krita and recommend it to other people… telling them to use GIMP would get too many laughs and weird looks
Seems like a long time to wait for non-destructive drop shadows… most other art applications including Krita have had that for a very long time
Why not? Krita did it, they made an entirely new interface (hell they did it over 10 years ago) so why does the GIMP teams refuse to do the same?
I fear gimp truly doesnt care about its ui/ux
Why, because its been the single most requested change by the GIMP community for 20+ years and its the one thing they refuse to address?? Dont be silly, its not like the devs are acting like the guy who makes Filezilla who has been steadfastly refusing to implement a ‘dark’ feature simply because he does think anyone wants it… oh wait
if donny rapist turns all federal power back over the states, does he still have a job? Why do you need a president when the country itself no longer exists? Its just 50 separate countries now.