I was on a cave tour many years ago, and it was your typical screaming, squabbling, arguing, yelling, completely uncouth families.
Just as we were exiting the cave, I could tell that the guide sensed my frustration. I reached into my pocket, open my wallet and slipped him at 20 and just said my girlfriend and I are going to stay back for a while okay.
He nodded knowingly and slid the 20 into his pocket.
Anyways, the experience was spending an entire hour deep in a cave, in complete pitch blackness, without being able to hear a single sound. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
May I suggest a mortar and pestle, then you don’t have build up of contaminants in the burr, and blending of particulate from past grinds
Don’t listen to them, skin care is actually a scam.
Just get some sunflower oil and put it on your dry skin. That’s all you need.
Edit also, use the littlest amount of soap and shampoo that is humanly possible, myself I use almost none.