Your commitment to science is commendable
Your commitment to science is commendable
Psychedelics just chilling at the bottom. I’m not even sure there’s a proper LD50 for these as there are no recorded deaths where overdose was the cause. It’s so funny yet sad that these are super illegal while booze and tobacco are perfectly legal.
Gosh I knew they were dumb but this is embarrassing
Rust is dead. Haven’t you heard? We’re rewriting everything in Zig now.
I don’t think the broader zig community has the rewrite spirit that the rust community has. For Rust, this mentality was also motivated by an increased security, which zig does improve over plain C, but not to the extent Rust does.
To preface anything that follows, I’m not a developer, so this is little-informed opinion.
Writing in rust just doesn’t seem very enjoyable. It’s a language with security in mind, which is a good thing. However, zig also isn’t inherently insecure (though it doesn’t provide the same security guarantees) and coding in it just seems so much more pleasant. To me, the language makes more sense, which is also something I like about Go. Even manual memory allocation looks well-designed. At no point did I look at zig and thought “oh, that’s an odd choice”.
The language isn’t frozen yet though, so everything you write in it may require changes later on, so I wouldn’t recommend it for anything in production. Notably, there’s no built-in async or something comparable. If you’re fine with these limitations, go ahead and try it out, and if you feel like it, maybe even rewrite an existing tool in it.
for example is such a tool where the original author rewrote it in zig for version 2.
My stepsisters and I loved this game (the first one). Good memories. Do I want a remaster? Not really. I’d rather they fix Sims 3.
I’m not certain USAID sends financial aid or rather if they provide services paid by their budget. And yes, the US does receive foreign aid in emergency cases. You have probably forgotten already, but there were some pretty bad fires lately that Canada helped fight with their CL-415s. Because, you know, money doesn’t usually solve any issue but debt. It won’t take out a fire or end a pandemic.
No country does foreign aid out of goodness. It puts your own companies into these countries.
I’m not saying the US has any obligation to provide foreign aid. But don’t portray them as a country that gets explored by other nations. The only ones exploring the US are the rich. The US is wealthy enough, possibly even the wealthiest large nation on earth. It wouldn’t be if they just gave all money or whatever away. It’s just a lie to keep you distracted.
This is something that never made sense to me. The US is already a net exporter for oil (dunno if removed or whatever) but the economy is not limited by fossil fuel availability.
Other nations are trying to move away from oil, especial China which was a huge market for ICE cars to until recently.
Also, you’d be insane to rely on the US for essential goods for the next 4 years and possibly beyond. So you have a commodity that is seeing less international use in its prime market, a supply larger than demand, and yet ask other nations to lower the price which in turn makes your product less desirable or profitable (https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/opec-yet-react-trump-call-lower-oil-prices-2025-01-24/) while proving you’re a terrible partner.
Meanwhile, Trump ran on increasing production. It makes no sense.
What is the end goal here? Can someone explain?
Less than one brainless year later
Yes, but their suppliers aren’t, and I’d guess that the issues did not originally arise in the coffeeshops
Ah cool, that’s interesting.
Though I do get the joke, the meaning of life is what you make of it. If you expect it to reveal itself to you at one point, you’ll be disappointed.
The marriage thing just turns an ethical / moral / health matter into a legal one. If they were really against sex with minors, they’d be against child marriage. But they aren’t, so this is just another way to be outraged at something where they feel there will be no repercussions because the target group is rightfully frowned upon.
Anyhow, if such a tape exists, he could just claim everyone said the girls were over 18; and if they weren’t, maybe the tapes were produced somewhere where sex between them is legal? Remember, all pearl clutching and rule of law talk from them is hollow, this is just “we can do whatever we want and you have to do what we want” behavior, thinly disguised.
You’re trying to apply your logic and values to the whole thing; it doesn’t work because there’s retroactively applied justification at best.
I don’t think his supporters would actually care about that. Child marriage is legal in 37 US states.
The guy is a convicted rapist and an Epstein client. People don’t care.
Butter also significantly increased in price here in Germany, although probably for completely different reasons. My previously pricey fancy all natural yada yada margarine that felt like it cost double the price of (cheap) butter is now cheaper than the same amount of butter. Or at least was some days / weeks ago.
Long story short, Russia can get fucked, I have zero sympathy left for anyone just tolerating the situation. But these are the logical consequences that actions can have.
SDL is kind of the equivalent to DirectX. It provides a standard interface for multimedia applications regardless of underlying mechanisms. Except the 3D acceleration part I think which is handled by OpenGL / Vulkan.
The issue I see with your approach is that you’re looking for a tutorial for something that is basically infinitely flexible, there’s multiple ways to do things, etc.
By installing NixOS, you have already completed the tutorial. My advice is: Approach your configuration (which is actually code) like a static one first. That is set the values you want, maybe split up files a bit, keep it simple. At one point, you’ll get somewhere where you think that there has to be a better way to do it than just write down everything explicitly. Then, approach problem per problem. At least that’s how I did it.
Dunno if that’s the best way to do it, if you want to start managing a server farm right now that approach won’t scale of course. The issue with configurations you find online is that they’re rather complex – which makes sense for the cases these people have written them for. But for one or two machines, you don’t need to fold attributes / generate attributes from list etc. right away. If you’re not in a rush, get a feel for everything on a low level first, and then approach the deeper mechanics.
You’re not addicted to cocaine until you’re poor, until then it’s a habit.