There’s a joke to be made here that the Amish still use actual 2x4’s, but it’s a bit dated.
There’s a joke to be made here that the Amish still use actual 2x4’s, but it’s a bit dated.
No worries, shit happens, I hope your day only gets better.
Thanks, I found the first site and was looking through it. Some of it looks interesting, other parts are clear propoganda though. Things like this sow doubt in everything else:
Turning deaths from a virus into a game like comparison, and only cherry picking the information that makes one country look good. When in the end death rates were high.
Atlanta Falcons 28
New England Patriots 3
Looks great… But the Patriots won the “game.” Honestly it feels gross to even compare deaths to games… But that’s what they are implying.
I like a lot of the other things they have to say though.
Also exactly what you told me to do… You told me to do nothing in your comment. So you just have been remembering another comment. All you did was complain that America has always been bad.
Where can I find information on PSL by the way?
Edit: found it here
What party?
Hot take that so many post here. What are you doing to change it? Hitting a downvote button? Wow, that’ll change the country.
This take has, is, and never will, change anything. Absolutely useless anchors. You’re not starting a revolution. Either fucking do something or live with it.
When did I say Biden didn’t want the ban? I said the Democrats wanted it too and showed they voted for it? Do you only absorb information you want to absorb?
Congratulations, you fell for their 2 party stick
Ita a democratic republic, which the term Republic right from the start tells you it is run by representatives. Oligarchy refers to a government run by the few. The line between representatives and few leaders isn’t a thick one. It was fickle to start with.
Oligarchy, yes, dictatorship… not quite yet. Getting there
As for 7 paragraphs, yes I come to Lemmy comments to discuss topics.
It isn’t so black and white. Something can not be a free democracy, and also not be a dictatorship. Mostly because the power is shared between checks and balances that are slowly folding. But they still exist. A good example was that neither Biden nor Trump could perform said ban on their own, nor could they block said ban on their own.
Everyone on your ballot was for the ban and they were people trying to represent you. Either that means you have an opinion differing from the majority of the population in your area, or the people in your area need to find new candidates. I know in my area I am vastly different than what the majority wants. Shit, every person at my work wanted the ban. Coworker was yelling about how much he hates anyone against Trump and that he’s glad they are banning Tik Tok. He listens to far right propaganda on the radio daily that’s anti trans, anti immigrants, and I hear them claiming that all of the positions he is filling are their by merit, and that none of the positions Democrats fill are their by merit, just sponsorship. It’s a broken 2 party system. (Yes, The broken part was redundant)
That’s how democracy works though, either you agree with the majority, tolerate the majority opinion, or you have to work to change the majority opinion, or leave.
I think what many of us are overlooking is that the representatives on average are almost 60, over 60 in the Senate. 60 years olds in average don’t care what 20 year olds want, they think they know what’s best for the 20 year olds future, applying information that may have been valid 30 years ago. Their kids are older than 20, and they already disagree with their opinions.
We need to get the average Congress member age down to 40, senators 45 and force all members older than 65 to retire and take on advisory roles only. A 65 year old does not remember working paycheck to paycheck and what the struggles of everyday Americans are. They only care about how to grow their investments. If their car breaks down, they have enough money to get another, rent a car until its fixed, or simply schedule rides without fear of true disaster. The percentage of Americans that if their car breaks down will lose their jobs, apartments, not be able to afford food, and become homeless which is becoming illegal as well is increasing day after day.
The majority of Americans can not simply take a bus to work, nor walk there. A new car is outrageously out of reach for many people, and used car prices aren’t cheap either.
I wanted to join a rugby team to get more exercise and get in better shape. The sole reason I decided not to was because if I get injured, say break an arm… I would lose my job. And that’s before I say I couldn’t afford the medical bills to go to the doctor anyways.
A 60+ year old Congress member will just call the youth overweight and lazy… but shit. At 35 I know ive worked harder than many I know, but the risk aversion I take to avoid ruin is real. There is no community pool around here, I could never afford one of my own. No sidewalks, and there will be ice everywhere for another month or so… so I’m not going to try bike riding and go over ice on 2 wheels. I should be trying to find more hiking trails… that’s about all I might be able to find that is risk adverse exercise around here.
I get what you mean about the candidates for Congress, it seems they aren’t any great ones. We need to figure out a way to change that.
Change the subject? You just said Biden could have vetod it and I gave you the facts that he could not have done shit about it. What mental gymnastics is that shit. Also congress who made it impossible to override is voted in every 2 years. So being that there have been 2 votes for Congress since 2020 that you ask of, you could have voted to replace the entire house twice since then.
A veto is over road by 2/3 vote in Congress… Meaning NO president could have vetod it. So yes I place it on the person who started the process and all of those who voted for it in the house/ Senate.
Clearly meaning that Biden did not “do the ban” But don’t let facts get in the way of a good story
They could, but they dont want to.
The ban discussion originated during the 2020 election when Trump didn’t like the information being spread there as he thought it aligned more with left wing policies. So he wanted it banned. People kept pushing the “it’s bad for kids” bullshit to keep it rolling until it finally went into effect. The Democrats didn’t try to stop it, and the people voted back in the person who wanted it banned. So effectively, they did vote for it in a way.
And why I marinaded pork chops in frozen mixed berries that were sitting in my freezer for idk how long last night so the acid could break down and make the meat more tender. Will it end up okay? I have no idea… But I’ll find out in a couple hours when I make dinner haha
I take a look and say that might be interesting, then realize I have zero of those ingredients so I make something completely different that might be reminiscent of the food I wanted.
Mix and match
Can I get a deal on some avacados?
Only if they are good things. 2 people trying to stab you, not greater than 1. Pessimism, the negative perspective. Only in math do we hold onto those darn dashes
So you agree the people in the article are not centrists and that the post is all a shame then? Because they don’t support the status quo and want a ceasefire and peace talks.
Calling them centrists was a lashing out against people they didn’t know and the views of various people that weren’t the same.
Overall I would argue this post is pro war, pro genocide propaganda.